Jim Hagedorn Challenges Tim Walz over Terrorism Policy

Republican House candidate Jim Hagedorn challenges incumbent Walz on policy that would house GITMO terrorists in Rochester's Federal Medical Facility. -photo by Jeremy Griffith
Republican House candidate Jim Hagedorn challenges incumbent Walz on policy that would house GITMO terrorists in Rochester’s Federal Medical Facility. -photo by Jeremy Griffith

Video cross-posted from the American Millennium Online

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Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at www.AmericanMillenniumOnline.com

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One Comment

  1. Here’s an idea of a policy. Why don’t we declare Islam what it is–our enemy.

    The Progressive will immediately state that extreme actions are only the result of “a small minority of radicals of Islam.”

    Incorrect. Extreme actions are only the result of the religion itself which is militant and vile.
    Then they will point out atrocities from Christians and the every once in a great moon the Mormon who had a polygamous brothel of young girls.

    Right. First off the Christians haven’t executed someone for hundreds of years. We outgrew our barbaric notions. And the “radical” Christian is at most annoying, not threatening. And the cult leader Mormon of a house of young girls is an extreme exception, not the rule.
    Now let’s look at Islam’s exceptions to the rule:
    Every single Islamic country has a war like attitude—even within their own tribes they can’t find peace.
    Every Islamic country can execute harsh corporal punishment for not following Sharia Law.
    Islam wants Sharia Law mandated—in Denmark, England and Australia. And it has been brought up in the United States as well.

    The vile “extremists” are just the result of a mentality that is barbaric. A religion that is pure evil. There is nothing good about Islam. There has never been anything good about Islam. No country that has endorsed it has had freedom. That would be the difference, Mr. Progressive.
    If we would like my fiction to become prophecy then go ahead and keep allowing it in this country. And the extremists will continue to grow while the rest of the Muslims follow. How do I know this? Just look at them in the rest of the world.

    Charles Hurst. Author of THE SECOND FALL. An offbeat story of Armageddon. And creator of THE RUNNINGWOLF EZINE

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