John Kerry: Scripture Commands USA to Protect Muslim Countries Against Global Warming
Last Wednesday, at a ceremony to appoint Texas lawyer Shaarik Zafar to be special representative to Muslim communities, Secretary of State John Kerry said it was the United States’ Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change,” including to protect “vulnerable Muslim majority counties.”
Kerry said Scripture, in particular the Book of Genesis, makes clear it is our “duty” to protect the planet and we should look at Muslim countries “with a sense of stewardship of earth,” adding, “That responsibility comes from God.” And here you thought all along that “Uncle Joe” was the resident crazy in the Obama administration. I must say, it is always interesting to watch a liberal attempt to play theologian. Obama did it with homosexuality and now Kerry is playing it with climate change. They certainly have no problem using religion when it’s convenient to advance one of their crackpot agendas yet it is demonized at every other opportunity for things that really matter to the rest of us.
The world is aflame and the absolutely last thing I am concerned about when it comes to the Muslim world is how “climate change” may or may not affect them. Honestly, it’s the very, very last thing on a very, very long list of “concerns” I do in fact have with all those who follow the teachings of Muhammad. This ongoing, seemingly compulsive need to pander to the Islamic world is worrying indeed. Especially since thousands of Christians in the Middle East are being slaughtered, raped, enslaved, and driven out of their homes by followers of the same religion. One can only ask “why?” so many times.
It is theoretically comforting that Kerry appears to have had a “come to Jesus” moment when it comes to Christianity. But we all know that in reality it’s just a farce and another ploy to try to placate the Muslims and convince them that as “People of the Book” we really aren’t all that bad and to please try to stop blowing us up and beheading our people. It reminds me of the utterly bizarre directive of Obama to turn NASA into some sort of Muslim outreach program. Absurdity continues to run amok during the reign of President Barack Obama. Do the members of the Obama administration even live in the same world as the rest of us?
Where specifically in the Old and New Testaments does the words “Muslim,” or “climate change” appear? To be very specific, nowhere. It seems like there is not a day that goes by that a prominent liberal doesn’t say something that isn’t simply stupid. Quoting Scripture to “protect” Muslim lands is a new one to me. Perhaps he doesn’t read the same Bible as you or I.
And since when is ‘religion matters’ a mantra for the State Department? What the heck is that even supposed to mean anyway? One would think that if that was really true, the nutjob, militant atheistic Left would be up in arms but they are not. They know that such a statement is merely a hollow, meaningless piece of propaganda and totally without merit. I am inclined to concur with their conclusion. It sounds like this is just as an apparent cover and excuse to impose massive government intrusion into every aspect of the daily life of the average American. Because that’s where it leads and is what it means.
The morals, values, and concepts of Christianity have been under unrelenting attack by this administration since its inception and it’s interesting that suddenly these types of references to scripture appear right before the mid-term elections. Perhaps a half-hearted attempt by some to confuse the average evangelical voter? Who knows? Kerry, the Bible also says we are commanded to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you.” Care to publicize that the State Department is ‘making that it’s mantra” to the Muslim nations? I didn’t think so.
As the son, grandson, and great-grandson of ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ I can assure you that the theology of both John Kerry and Barack Obama is far from the truth and only being used as a cynical ploy to advance their ideological, and not theological, agendas. It’s always a bit distressing to hear Godless people try to misuse scripture to forward their secular agendas. I wonder if Kerry is aware of the scriptures describing liars and their one way ticket to hell. I’d love to hear him discuss that one sometime. Scripture also condemns bearing false witness which he has been caught doing innumerable times. One can only surmise that Kerry is selective when it comes to his faith worldview. Just being a Christian when it’s convenient isn’t acceptable.
When it comes to the liberal mind we are supposed to ignore Biblical passages about God knowing us while we are still in the womb and anything about the condemnation of homosexuality, but get all Biblical on climate change. For them, global warming is in many ways a new religion that trumps all others. I have a news flash, neither Kerry or Gore is the new Moses leading us into the Promised Land.
And last, but not least, if the Obama administration could come up with a strategy protecting both Muslims and others from beheadings, torture, forced starvation, rape, imprisonment, and mass executions at the hands of other, more devout, Muslims it would be appreciated. In the end, the real God of Progressives and liberals is the almighty state, not the God of the Bible. Big government is not God, and Barack is not his prophet.
Gives a new meaning to False Prophet doesn’t it!!!
According to the Bible it is God who gives powers to kings and God who takes it away. If there is a God He has certainly put upon this Nation a chastising element in the form of Barack Obama – the consumate fool and vessel of dishonor – as a testament of literally what Satan, the Devil, LOOKS like let alone what he does and how he acts. Satan was (is) a murderer from the beginning. Obama is a murderer and a phahgot!; the most vile form of Anti-Christ possible!! If there is a God this person is, at the very LEAST, a graphic warning to us to turn from Godless Communism and Aniti-Anointment LAWLESSNESS – esteem individual liberties and promote FREEDOM (a.k.a. – do what is right and just to all men EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE TO!) for we are already in “…as it was in the Days of Noah…!”
Otherwise we are just so many SERFS at the hands of our “Natural Superiors”…!