Is Truth Alive, Anywhere?
I have had this mindset that truth prevails and I believe truth will always win, eventually, not always at first, but it will always win. The Bible calls the truth “light” and light always drives out darkness.
It seems in today’s society truth is a fleeting 140 character or less thing. Mainstream media can’t find it if you put it in a bag marked with flares. The president, being the constitutional scholar that he is, can’t even spell it.
When President Obama interviewed with Bill O’Reilly he said there were no scandals. I guess he doesn’t know what a scandal is. According to Websters Dictionary, a scandal is:
an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.
“a bribery scandal involving one of his key supporters”
synonyms: (outrageous) wrongdoing, impropriety, misconduct, immoral behavior, unethical behavior, discreditable behavior, outrageous behavior
Let’s focus on the synonym “wrongdoing.” The IRS targeted 99% of applications received from conservative-sounding applicants using keywords like, liberty, constitution, and freedom (very nasty words!) According to IRS rules, that was WRONG and evidence of this can be found in MANY emails sent by Lois Lerner and the other IRS personnel. Mr. President, that, according to the dictionary, is a classic example of a scandal.
Remember in the interview, Mr. Obama said there were no scandals. I guess they were just “FoxTales” (my words not his.)
He might as well just say, “I have a pen and I’ll pass my own laws.” Those of you who are going to tell me that President Bush (and others) signed more executive orders than Obama, wake up! There are executive orders, and then, there are EXECUTIVE ORDERS.
Pardoning the turkeys on Thanksgiving is done by executive order, really deep. Re-writing the healthcare law by executive order circumvents the value of the three branches of government. That’s a problem. Mr. Obama sees this as a dictatorship, not a democratic republic, where he can say or do anything he wants because he is king. He has issued over 22 executive orders to modify a LAW. That is not the intent of an executive order.
Why doesn’t he follow the law he swore to uphold? Why not just acknowledge that we need to fix this law that was passed too quickly? Why? Because this administration has never done anything wrong. They take responsibility for nothing.
He has a default script in his teleprompter. The Republicans are blocking us. It’s because of climate change and if the Republicans would pass the bill we could fix this. If the speaker could get control of his members we could pass my jobs bill (that doesn’t exist.)
We should move the White House to Walt Disney World and put it in the land of “make believe” where it belongs under this administration.
According to Forbes, “frustrated by the inability of Congress to pass immigration reform, Obama kicked off his own set of reforms by executive order, halting the legal deportation of thousands of immigrants in the U.S. illegally.” Another shining example of King Obama writing law on his own.
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