How Halloween can teach your children about Socialism
Yes, you read that correctly. Halloween may be a Pagan holiday from a long time ago but it also creates as Barack Obama likes to say a “teachable moment.” If this exercise that I’m about to give you is done correctly it should have a significant impact on your child this Halloween and will illustrate to them just how unjust and unfair Socialism can be.
A liberal’s favorite holiday must be Halloween. They get to knock on stranger’s doors and ask for free handouts. If you think I’m trying to take all the fun out of Halloween than you haven’t read anything yet. Liberals have a mindset that they should not have to work for anything and that they should be giving things that they never worked for. They have an entitlement attitude that is so nauseating my stomach is starting to hurt just writing this, but I digress.
If you have children and plan to go trick or treating with them try this exercise.
Go out and knock on all the doors you can in your neighborhood. Make your kids walk the neighborhood until their little feet are sore. Depending on their age you may only need to walk for a little more than 30 minutes. Make sure they collect a lot of candy. So much candy that they can barely carry it home by themselves. As soon as you get home dump out all the candy on the table and inspect it. Once you realize that it is all safe to eat tell your kids they did a good job collecting all the candy.
Before they can start enjoying the fruits of their labor immediately take away half of all the candy that they collected. When they complain and ask you why you took away half their candy, tell them because you didn’t have any. Their natural reaction should be to tell you that it is unfair. This is when you teach them the valuable difference between Socialism and Capitalism.
Ask them how they felt having to give up half their candy just because you wanted it but didn’t work for it? Ask them if they think it is fair that everyone must be equal regardless of their work ethic? I think you know what their answers might be. Then when they fully understand the meaning behind this exercise obviously give them back the other half of their candy. Your children will never forget this exercise, and it hopefully will help shape their views long term against the evils of Socialism.
This may seem like a cruel and unusual exercise but it is a necessary exercise that your children will thank you for doing to them later in life. This is a real life, relatable exercise that will teach your kids the absurdity of Socialism. It will also help to combat the leftist indoctrination from the Common Core loving union backed public school teachers that will spend eight hours a day teaching your children to be ashamed of their country, and to think the Constitution is an outdated document. So when your child is taught that Capitalism is evil and Socialism is good they will think back on that very important lesson they were taught one Halloween.
A great way to teach a lesson but I would go one step farther. I would tell them about America & how our founders believed this was a wrong way to run a government. They believed in the individual. They believed in their rights to their property they earned & they believed in responsibility for your actions. You could at this point teach so many lessons. It could branch off into all kinds of topics. What fun & best of all they get the candy back & realize it is because they are an American & their rights come from God.