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Vax Mandates Reportedly Hindering Care of Children Injured in Waukesha Parade Car Attack

The heinous car attack last weekend in Waukesha, Wisconsin at a Christmas parade has led to justifiable coverage of government malfeasance by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm whose low bail allowed Darrell E. Brooks out of jail and ultimately commit the attack that has left now six dead.

However, another act of malfeasance by the government is apparently affecting victims of the attack, that being the “vaccine” mandate.

News/Talk 1130 WISN out of Milwaukee has reported on how the mandates have caused staffing shortages at Children’s Wisconsin Milwaukee Hospital (CWMH), where 18 children were taken for care after the car attack last Sunday. One of those children, 8-year-old Jackson Sparks, died on Tuesday as the sixth death from the attack. Some of the children at CWMH remain in critical or serious condition, according to the report.

CWMH had to close one of its clinics in October which is not expected to reopen until late next month, and one hospital source told WISN: “This is because of the mandate. People either quit because their exemptions were denied or didn’t even bother to apply. They just started looking for other jobs.”

All hospital staff who spoke to WISN remained anonymous, no doubt fearing backlash from their employers for speaking out.

CWMH currently has nearly 240 open staffing positions and over 450 across its entire campus. The hospital, after the Sunday attack, was paying nurses $1,000 bonuses to work on Sunday and $4,500 bonuses to work over the Thanksgiving weekend.

“It was a nightmare. We just don’t have enough people and [supervisors] were frantically calling in everyone they could, but it wasn’t enough. We are taking care of everyone the best we can, but it’s hard,” a nurse told WISN. Another nurse said that the hospital’s CEO, Dr. Peggy Troy, worked the Emergency Room after the attack. That nurse said: “I know it was partly ceremonial to say ‘we’re all in this together,’ but it was also because we just needed all the help we could get. Dr. Troy was there until at least 2 am.”

Another hospital staff member said: “[Administrators] have been touting the fact that we have 90 percent compliance with the mandate, but that means that we have lost 10 percent of our workers who didn’t comply.”

The CWMH administration wouldn’t speak about the mandates, WISN reported, but it bragged earlier this year about setting a Nov. 15 deadline to submit or be fired. The hospital also reportedly denied 70 percent of religious exemption requests.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mike Gutzeit, in announcing the mandate, said: “Almost all Children’s Wisconsin doctors have been vaccinated for COVID-19, demonstrating the confidence some of the world’s best doctors have in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. We are thankful for their example and will continue to lean into their expertise and leadership as we engage with team members who are not yet vaccinated.”

Vaccine Impact, reporting on the effects of the mandate at CWMH, also provided links to various stories of the mandates shutting down hospitals in New York and Minnesota.

As for Brooks, he was released on a $1,000 cash bail after being arrested only a few weeks earlier for using his vehicle as a weapon to attack his girlfriend, according to Life Site News. His attack on Sunday injured nearly 50, including the six dead.

Chisholm, who instituted an easy bail policy, has previously said: “Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.

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  1. VERY simple solution: IGNORE the blitheringly stupid vaxx mandates and get those health care heroes BACK TO WORK!

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