Voter Integrity Group in Minnesota Identified as Target of the IRS
(Video from Fox News.)
by Jeremy Griffith
So now as the IRS scandal continues to come to light and expand, more conservative political groups are finding themselves being targeted by the IRS, including voter integrity group Minnesota Majority and Media Trackers of Wisconsin.
Minnesota Majority has been operating for about seven years under the chairmanship of Dan McGrath who says the trouble really started in March when the IRS sent them a very invasive questionare inquiring into the purpose of the group. Minnesota Majority has been active in attempting to get tougher voter identification laws on the books in the state after the alleged fraud in 2008 when Sen. Al Franken beat out incumbent Norm Coleman by the narrowest of margins following a recount and lawsuits. The group alleged that over 1000 felons were allowed to vote in that election, with only a few being convicted.
Media Trackers CEO Drew Ryun reported that they attempted to get tax exempt status back in 2011 and waited over 15 months for approval. After changing the submission name to “Greenhouse Solutions”, however, acceptance by the IRS took only three weeks.