Sen. Tom Coburn: Charlatan or Traitor?
My wife and I recently sent separate e-mails to Sen. Tom Coburn asking him to join Rand Paul’s filibuster of Harry Reid’s latest gun control scheme. We sent messages on the same day, she from her office and me from our home. Neither of us knew about the other until that evening when we sat down for dinner and discussed the day’s events. The responses we received were a day apart, hers on April 9th and mine on April 10th.
I don’t know why we were surprised when we compared the responses but we were. We both received the form letter some aide undoubtedly wrote to make it sound like Sen. Coburn actually believes in the 2nd Amendment and the rights of We the People. I have included the response I received and have my wife’s available if anyone desires to contest that they are the same. I also know of two other people who received the same letter.
Letter from Sen. Tom Coburn in response to a request that he join the filibuster started by Sen. Rand Paul:
Dear Mr. Russell,
Thank you for taking the time to write me to express your opinion and concerns about the various gun control proposals. I am encouraged so many Oklahomans are making their voices heard. I have received an overwhelming number of letters, and in order to respond in a timely manner, I am writing a response that encompasses my entire position. If you have additional questions or concerns, please write me again.
I want to be clear: I remain committed to defending and protecting our Constitution; namely the Second Amendment. I have long protected the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns. I am opposed to a ban on assault rifles and I oppose limiting magazines. I will not vote for any bill that limits the gun rights of law abiding citizens. While I support a debate in the Senate on gun related issues—including reaffirming these rights and forcing gun-control advocates to have their votes on record and be held accountable for their votes—I will not only support, but lead a filibuster to prevent the passage of any bill that limits the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
The news reports are correct that I have been involved in discussions to write legislation improving the existing background checks to enable private citizens to check a database and ensure the person they seek to sell their gun to is legally allowed to own a firearm. I believe it is good public policy to make sure that those who are mentally-ill or a felon (both are already prohibited from owning a gun), do not have access to a weapon. However, I oppose record keeping and will not agree to legislation that expands record keeping to private sales.
The concern I am hearing over and over is not just about people maintaining their right to own firearms—it is a concern about how to preserve liberty. When our Constitution was adopted, we had just won a war fought largely by Minute Men and localized, or unofficial, militias (Sons of Liberty, etc). The first shots fired at Concord were, in part, to preserve a local supply of firearms that the British sought to confiscate. Our founders believed very strongly that the individual right to bear arms would preserve the independence and freedom won in 1781, just as they had enabled our founders to win the revolutionary war. They feared tyranny and centralized power—which is why our Constitution was established. In addition to the checks created by balancing power between a legislature and executive—and checked by a judiciary—the Bill of Rights sought to limit the federal government and clearly stated that those powers not enumerated in the Constitution and delegated to the federal government would remain with the states and the people (the 9th and 10th Amendments).
Yet, our federal government regularly legislates on matters that belong to the states and the people. Our freedoms are being gradually encroached and choked by ever-increasing regulations, laws, agencies, and overspending. This concerns me greatly and I fight daily to rein in the size, scope and spending of our federal government. I believe the greatest threat to our Republic is apathy as our overindulgent federal government, through indebtedness, spends the money of future generations. James Madison, the architect of our Constitution, said something similar in 1788 in a speech in Virginia when he said, “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
I am aware of this and I work to push back on all attacks to our Constitution, including those to our Second Amendment. Congress must be careful not to legislate in a way that makes criminals out of law-abiding, gun-owning citizens.
Thank you for being involved and allowing me these last eight years to fight to protect our Constitution. I daily think about the sacrifices of past generations and I am grateful. In these last four years, as I finish out my second term, I remain committed to protecting your Second Amendment rights and working to limit our federal government and reduce federal spending.
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator
TC: lcp
That isn’t a response, it’s a press release. And just what is there to debate about the 2nd Amendment? I thought it was quite obvious what the founders intended. They intended for citizens to have the means to defend themselves, first and foremost, against a tyrannical government. This mental health scam is just a way of abolishing the right to own firearms, thereby rendering We the People defenseless against a dictatorship. Keep guns out of the hands of criminals??? How did prohibition work out, Senator?? How is Chicago working out??? Try enforcing the laws on the books now before passing more. See how that works out. But your answer is to surrender here and fight ”next time”. What “next time”???? Which “next time”? When????????
I have always supported Sen. Coburn because I thought he was a true American patriot who cared deeply about his country and the God-given rights listed in the Constitution. Coburn just voted to allow a simple majority of Democrats to gut the 2nd Amendment, and nullify the 4th and 5th Amendments; and is telling constituents he supports our right to possess firearms.
This is double-talk if I ever saw double-talk!! And who decides who is mentally ill or not, Diane Feinstein??? Was I wrong all these years or has Coburn just decided that my liberty isn’t worth his effort since he is retiring from Congress at the end of this term? Frankly, I don’t know what to think about him!! Gun control, Amnesty, where does Coburn really stand up for America??
It is very apparent that Sen. Coburn, along with the bulk of the Republican Party and every member of the Democrat Party, has betrayed We the People. They have also betrayed the oath of office they swore, to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”. That oath apparently is no longer valid in their minds. They twist its meaning to justify their treachery as they have assumed the mantle of dictators with the power of life and death over the citizens they consider to be no more than subjects. You know, kind of like King George!!!
Members of both political parties have gone beyond violating their oaths of office and have reached the point of treason. It is painfully obvious they have no intention of governing, taking the position that their esteemed positions give them the “right” to rule over We the People as if we are cattle to be herded at their whim. When I see the outright arrogance and corruption that pervades government, both political parties and at all levels, it is impossible to come to the conclusion that liberty as established by our founding fathers is the driving force of politicians. Power, prestige in the media, and personal wealth is all they seek. The Constitution and the rights of citizens get in the way of their goal of total control of the nation.
Members of both political parties run to the microphones and cameras of their media lapdogs to proclaim their dedication to freedom while doing everything they can to destroy that freedom. And the lapdog media, desiring favor from those same ruling politicians, report what they are told to report, and spin as they are told to spin.
This isn’t a Democrat vs. Republican power play; it is a political ruling class vs. We the People power play and We the People are losing. DHS is arming itself to the teeth with billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition, the kind that cannot be used in war; thousands of full automatic rifles, the true “assault rifle”; thousands of armored vehicles called MRAP’s, the mine-proof type used in war by our military; and DHS agents run practice operations with local law enforcement, using machine gun firing helicopters over our cities. What is all this armament of a “domestic security force” to be used for??? Care to take a guess???? Maybe they are going to start rounding up all the illegal aliens!!!!!!
Sen. Diane Feinstein tells us that ALL veterans are mentally ill, dangerously unstable, and should be banned from owning firearms. In New York and California local law enforcement is already confiscating guns from those they see as a threat to their dictatorship. How about that one Sen. Coburn??? Some states are racing to see who can pass the stiffest gun control legislation. Never mind the 2nd , 4th, and 5th Amendments!!!! They have DHS to back them up.
The Veteran’s Administration is now used as a conduit for imprisoning men and women who served their country honorably and now only desire to have the medical treatment promised to them for their service. They have put their lives in danger for the freedom of others, protecting the very scumbag politicians that now seek to have them committed to asylums without due process; and to confiscate their guns without any reason other than politicians see them as a threat to their tyranny.
Is this the vision of America seen by our founding fathers; that veterans are now a threat to the very liberty the founders fought and died for? Are veterans a threat to society because they shared that vision and were willing to risk their lives to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”? Is this how the experiment in freedom is to end?
And what of those who berate me and call me a “paranoid fear monger” because I see what is happening and call attention to tyranny? “It can’t happen here”???? It is happening here, right now, and politicians in both political parties no longer hide behind fancy words and deception. They come right out and state their intentions to disarm the entire populace, except for the criminals, of course. New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently pronounced that “you don’t need 10 rounds to kill a deah”!! Hey there Andy, the 2nd Amendment isn’t about killing a “deah”, it is about keeping people like you in your place. It is about protecting We the People from tyranny, from Nazi or Soviet style dictatorships that enslave and murder their people. Politicians are supposed to be “public servants”, not rulers, but look where we are today.
I hope I live long enough to see these politicians and their bureaucrat minions, charged, arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for treason. If We the People lose the war we are in right now it will be generations, if ever, before liberty will be restored. Not one step backwards, Senator!!!
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty god to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
April 15, 2013
Will you run for office Mr Russell? You have my vote!
Funny, I wrote and called both my Senators (Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker) and got very simular responses as you did. Claimed to be pro second amendment but voted otherwise. They all need to be kicked out!
Thanks, but no. I am content to be a voice of the people. I look better in print that in person. LOL
I dunno – I can see how your first reaction would be worry– but i think Mr. Coburn is not a traitor or a charlatan – not on the basis of this letter. Now – if i could examine his voting record, & see his reasons for voting as he has, I might agree with you. But as it stands I think he is on “our” side (2nd-amendment) rather than ‘theirs’… I do agree the letter is vague & so i hope you will ask him – as he has invited you to do – specifically about the hot-button areas, such as mental health. “WHO gets to decide if someone is mentally ill?” is an excellent question & one that MUST be answered. And, “What if someone recovers from a mental illness? what recourse to they have to get their 2-A rights restored?” is another that needs to be asked.. BEFORE, not after, any legislation is passed…..EVen IF your fears are correct and he is (at best) trying to fool people, I think he is more with us than with the “progressives” (socialists) so crucifying him is likely to get you someone Worse, not better, into office. Good Guys are rare in office these days; Semi-Good Guys are also becoming rare – so let’s work with what we have, solidify the Semi-Good Guys, defend the Good Guys and thwart the Really Bad Guys who want to get into office.
WAKE UP! We are a pathetic 300 Million Man Dog being wagged by a 535 man Tail…otherwise known as an Oligarchy!
you can see what your Congressmen do – how they vote – and I encourage you to do so. This is one example;
And there are others. Do a search using something like Congressional Vote Record. I’ve see records going back to the 1870s.
I truly believe that we are where we are at primarily because we have not paid attention. These politicians are like naughty little boys and girls who left to their own devices will think what every they are doing must be okay!
My Senators both say the same things. But they are learning we are not going to be brushed aside. After their vote against the Paul Filibuster – OMG! did they get it from their Constituants! Facebook was a very nasty wakeup call! Now if they vote for the bill….
The sad truth in this country is that about 99% of our Congressmen and Senators swore an oath of office “to support and protect the Constitution of the United States” knowing that they would not honor that oath. A man’s word is his bond and if his word is no good, either is the man. Our Constitution was written in a clear precise easy to understand language and there is no excuse for not knowing it. Power and politics has replace honor, duty, and country. What we have today is a country in distress run by a dysfunctional government and an apathetic electorate with no relief in sight.
I had the same experience with my senators (Ga.) who gave me the same song and dance, but changed their tune when they defected from their oath to stand with Manchin and Toomey.
Manchin, Toomey AND Schumer. When Manchin and Toomey went before the microphones to announce their “Conversion,” they stated that (Their partner) Schumer not be anywhere near nor make a statement. Now that everything is out in the public domain, the bill is now referred to as Schumer/Manchin/Toomey. The new Three Stooges – the Shemp, Moe and Curly of gun (People) control. Compare to Kerry/Hagel/Brennan. Toomey, the great “Conservative hope,” Has shown himself to be nothing but a cheap politi-pimp. Note that the Bloomberg ads running in Pennsylvania bashing Toomey stopped immediately upon Toomey turning Quisling. Bloomberg then started running “Positive” ads for Toomey in Pa. For shame, Mr. Toomey, for shame!
Bob, I think this is a universal experience. I wrote and wrote and wrote my senators and my representative. Well before their vote against the Filibuster. Both claim to be Constitutionalist. There excuses were that they felt the bill should be brought forward. Sometimes I think the idiots could not put an average I.Q. together between them. So when their Constituents found out their vote – which was almost immediate (see my reply to Shilah about seeing how your congressmen vote – if a reader wonders) – the uproar had to have seriously rattled their little cages. Senator Baucus has come out – he says – against the bill.
The other night Toomey said to Face the Nation the bill makes sense. Then Senator Manchin said if you are a law abiding gun owner you are going to like this bill. Then one of them said they know it won’t really stop someone determined to kill but that they needed to do something. Oh yeah! It’s all common sense! I don’t think they could put together an average I.Q. either.
This isn’t common sense! And I don’t like it!!!
The ICE is suing the DHS because they have ordered their units to NOT obey the laws of Congress. The head of the DHS says it is 100,000,000 million rounds (according to my Rep. who sits on the House committee on the DHS) – not one billion – like it matters – and they bought just 17 of the special armored vehicles. Oh, The DHS is a good thing. Oh… My mistake! And yet there is this;
Have any of you heard of a Sovereign Citizen? This is what the DHS is busy doing while they don’t protect our borders and while they don’t provide any security – We’re sorry runners in Boston. Thank your government, which has conned you out of freedom in the name of security.
The SDH, the ATF, FEMA, even the FBI are all illegal National Police Forces. They have supplanted the Citizen Militia. We are in the first phase of Recurrence – as provided by the First Amendment – the battle of words and ideas. So what do you think the 2nd Amendment provides. If we stand up and speak out and tell these naughty boys and girls we
ARE watching. Maybe we won’t have to implement the provisions of the Second Amendment.
Please read the above linked article!
P.S. Oboma owes us for the irresponsible transportation and hosting of the Sandy Hookers! PAY IT Back OBIE!!!
I thought after my last that I would share the latest email I sent to Senator Tester who claims to be a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Senator Tester says he is going to support the gun bill because it is a “step on the right direction” – that is doesn’t infringe upon any of our 2nd Amendment Rights. Well. The Constitution and Bill of Rights is a whole document. Senator Tester did not address other ramifications of this bill. I’m sharing this letter with you because sometimes it seems like we are each in our own little void. I often feel like the Lone Ranger so when I see and hear what others are doing I feel quite encouraged. Thought maybe some of you might be in the same boat.
Please excuse my passion. I’m MAD!
Dear Senator Tester,
You need to listen to what we are Telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS GUN Bill! You, Toomey, Manchin, Schumer – all of you! You think this is a step in the right direction? What IS the NEXT step, Senator?!
What is it?!
How are you going to protect my 4th Amendment Rights? Huh? Maybe this bill infringes on my 2nd Amendment Rights and maybe it doesn’t. But it certainly infringes on my 4th Amendment Rights! If Guns are legal, then there is no “probable cause” when I buy one or when I sell one. It is none of the governments business what I buy if what I buy is not illegal! And if there is no probable cause then the Government has NO BUSINHESS in my private matters. READ the 4th Amendment, Senator!
Answer me. Don’t send me a STINK-KING form letter! Answer the question; If I buy a gun that is legal then on what grounds does the government have to infringe upon my 4th Amendment Rights?
Answer the question MAN TO MAN!
This bill is NOT a step in the right direction! This is a step in the Collective Rights direction!
Common sense? If the bill isn’t going to stop determined killers then it is nothing more than a placebo that makes YOU feel like you’ve “dunnnnn something”! That isn’t common sense! That is selfish.
Well chew on this: Since your law isn’t going to stop determined killers I don’t think it will make me registering ANY guns – since it isn’t your GOD DAMNED business in the first place!
Derrell Poole
Sadly, very few in government care what We the People think. We live in a dictatorial oligarchy, not a republic.
“Dictatorial oligarchy?” How do you figure? If anything, we live in too much of a democracy – rather than voting in accordance with the Constitution, most elected officals seem to do whatever they think most of their constituants want – whatever will get them reelected. In a republic, citizens elect someone whose judgement they trust; the elected person uses that judgment to enact law. Elected officials are not supposed to bow to public whim (though such behavior is common these days). We should applaud Coburn for following his conscience instead of knuckling under when people complain.
Micah, our nation isn’t a democracy, it is a representative republic. I agree with you until the last sentence. Yes, the voice of the people need to be heeded, especially when the voice of the people demands an adherence to the Constitution. Coburn is going AGAINST the Constitution in his double-talking duplicitous behavior. You want them to vote FOR the Constitution and so do I. The thing that is important is to know and understand the Constitution so you understand when they are and when they aren’t voting it.
I agree that we live in a representative republic. My point (poorly expressed) was that it has become a de facto democracy in recent years. What I DON’T understand is how Coburn is being unconstitutional. Everybody agrees that there should be SOME limits to the 2nd Amendment. Coburn has said (and his voting record makes me believe him) that he wants to “improve a broken system that literally allows illegal aliens, drug traffickers, child molesters, rapists, felons, members of al Qaeda cells and mentally-deranged persons to buy firearms.” I don’t think that such restrictions are necessarily unconstitutional. The implimentation of such restrictions can be, but I don’t think the restrictions themselves are. And (for what it’s worth) the Supreme Court has agreed with me. I guess the short version is that, based on his record, I think Coburn deserves the benefit of a doubt.
Micah, I don’t agree with the premise that the 2nd Amendment needs to be limited. If you understood the universal registration issue and how it fits into world history you would understand. You are falling for the soft soap they give in the name of “safety”. Nothing they are doing will make you one bit safer. It will actually increase the chance of you being killed by a criminal or your own government.
Bob, in regards to your comment below (2:20pm):
Oh, I’m sure you also agree that there need to be limits to the 2nd Amendment. I mean, you don’t think prisoners should have guns, or toddlers, or the insane – those are limits!
As to universal registration – of course I’m against it (and I know the history)! But that doesn’t seem to be what Coburn is talking about. His proposal would make the NICS available to private gun sellers online, not to create a database of gun owners.
Anyway, as long as Coburn’s proposal doesn’t restrict my ability (as a law-abiding citizen) to buy or own a gun – and I don’t see how it would – I can’t understand how it makes it more likely that I’ll be “killed by a criminal or [my] own government.”