Oklahoma’s Senator “Bullcrap” Inhofe Strikes Again
It seems Oklahoma’s fine senior senator once again has no qualms about telling We the People how stupid we are and how wonderful he is. With the “fiscal cliff” vote, in which he voted for the measure after taking an entire three minutes to peruse the 154 pages contained within, Senator Bullcrap took a great deal of criticism from local talk radio.
Tulsa radio station KFAQ’s Pat Campbell Show listeners were highly critical. As a frequent listener I find Campbell to be very fiscally conservative and more moderate on social issues. Senator Bull crap didn’t appreciate the criticism so he called the Pat Campbell Show to “explain himself”, and how important it was to vote for this travesty. He proceeded to explain how “We the People” benefited because had the measure not passed taxes would have gone up a whole lot more than they did on a lot more people that they did and that he “protected” 98% of said We the People by making the 2001 and 2003 tax rates permanent for most Americans (chant the party line, blah, blah, blah). If you take a good look at whose taxes aren’t going up and whose are going up you see a very different story than is being bandied about by both sides. Warren Buffett and Donald Trump came out just fine, thank you!!! As did Hollywood and the typical Democrat money groups!!! Oh, and spending is still going up.
Anyway, back to my main point on Senator Bullcrap Inhofe. It seems that I should be grateful that the “fiscal cliff” he helped create was “averted” by raising the very taxes he and his party pledged they would never raise, while not cutting the spending he and his party promised to cut (2010 campaign, “vote Republicans in and you will see a change in the way business is done”). Well, at least they promise to “do it later”, now that they have Democrats on the fiscal ropes. The best analogy I can come up with is it is like having half of my house on fire and the Senator Bullcrap Fire Department coming along with a hose to spray the other half of the house with gasoline so it would burn evenly and not leave me with only half a house. And then he proceeds to explain to me that, thanks to his intervention, I don’t have to spend the money to repair half the house.
This is what passes for a representative of We the People? The problem is that we can’t seem to get these tyrants out once they get entrenched. Senator Bullcrap loves earmarks because that is how he buys his seat in the Senate. He can pass enough money around to unions and companies that rely on government funding to exist that he will always have enough people whose jobs depend on his “benevolence”.
Our nation is floundering and we find those who pledge to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” doing everything BUT honoring their oath of office. It seems that oath means very little. What was that quote from Obama during the 2008 campaign? “Just words” seemed to be his theme as he said it time and again. Once again we find “just words” coming from the Republican Party. “The cuts will come later now that we have the Democrats on the ropes” is their theme. Yeah, and Custer had Sitting Bull on the ropes, too.
Oh wait, silly me, I thought Republicans had the Democrats on the ropes in 2010 when they set an all-time record for election results. What happened to those ropes? Now Senator Bullcrap and his cronies have Democrats on the ropes again? How well has that worked out for us “commoners” in the past? The “fiscal cliff” wasn’t the promise that got Republicans elected in 2010 was it?
I couldn’t help but laugh in derision when I heard the oath of office being administered to the new Congress. They stand up there with their right hands raised and their left hand behind their backs with crossed fingers, looking so pious and honest while they sell our freedom out from under us and laugh all the way to the throne room of power.
The saddest part of this is that Senator Bullcrap isn’t by himself. The only Oklahoma member of the House to actually stand for conservative values was newly elected Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Ok 1) out of the Tulsa/Washington County area. He voted against The Traitor John Boehner for Speaker of the House while my newly elected congressman Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Ok 2) stepped right in line with the tyrants and voted for Boehner in spite of many of us telling him to stand against Boehner. I can’t tell you how many times I heard people stand up in meetings during the Republican primary and again in the campaign saying that Boehner was not acceptable to Oklahomans, yet all but one House member from Oklahoma stepped up to the plate of tyranny and voted to keep things the same as they have been.
I am disappointed that Oklahoma, the Heartland of America and the “reddest state in the nation”, sends so many to Washington who will support those who are stealing our heritage, our future, and our liberty. We the People of Oklahoma are not being well-represented in Washington. Senator “Bullcrap” Inhofe is the senior member of the Oklahoma delegation in Washington, and this is the example he sets for the rest to follow.
Political party leadership and their lobbyist handlers have such a grip on everything in Washington that who sits in those seats is vital and those now sitting on the Republican side should not be there. Tyranny is tyranny regardless of which letter sits behind the name. The Democrats are just as bad but I am not represented by Democrats. It seems the Oklahoma House delegation is “moving on up” in the Traitor John Boehner Syndicate. They can take the seats of Heulskamp, Amash, and the other conservatives who have been removed for opposing the Boehner Syndicate in favor of We the People.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
January 10, 2013
It took 100 years but after the 17th Amendment was passed, this is what you get Stuck with, “mister popular” Bought by Money “outside” of your states interest ,Weakening of the 10th Amendment “States Rights” . Entitlements are the Reason we need term Limits .
I agree about term limits but the problem is the new congressman I helped get elected hired a guy who ha been chief of staff to someone for 40 years. New electeds, same bureaucrats.