Chuck Woolery On Assault Weapons Ban
I was trying to think of a script for a video on why we should all oppose gun bans in light of the latest tragedy in Connecticut. I found that Chuck Woolery beat me to it back in November. Watch this amusing but informative video.
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At least he didn’t go all Hollywood on the United States…bet he didn’t vote Obama either. Thanks Jeremy!
Anyone who thinks an assault weapons ban is the way to go needs to spend a few quick session on an Xbox shooter video game where they limit themselves and their team to peashooters (simple revolver), while everyone else carries pretty much whatever they want.
After these quick sessions (and they will be quick), ponder “how’d that peashooter work out for you and your team when the bad guys and nutjobs didn’t follow your rules?”.
Thanks for your comments guys. And thanks Chuck for saving me some work.