Christians stand up to atheist bullies with flash mob nativity

Though Christmas commemorates a major event in the religion practiced by a majority of Americans, the godless left continues to target any semblance of Jesus displayed alongside other holiday decorations.
Relativists who feel all beliefs are equal view any reference to the true meaning of Christmas as exclusionary while some have called Christmas carols a form of bullying.
A group of Christians in California, on the front lines of the War on Christmas, apparently had enough of their values undermined and traditions prohibited.
Appearing unexpectedly at an area shopping center, the “flash mob” set up a live nativity scene in response to the city’s decision to discontinue an annual display that had attracted visitors for 60 years.
With an inauspicious start, one caroler began singing traditional Christmas songs while standing near an empty manger.
Almost immediately, passersby stopped and began joining in the celebration.
As the live display continued, Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the others associated with the first Christmas began appearing.
In all, the event lasted more than six minutes and culminated with applause from bystanders and impromptu participants.
Following the performance, those involved issued a statement explaining the flash mob’s purpose was to share the love of Christ with the community.
“What matters is that the Christmas story needs to be told,” the press release stated. “At this time of year, Christians should be able to celebrate freely, carry on the message, and not be hiding for fear of offending someone.”
A message of love, acceptance and the selfless sacrifice of a Savior was the only motive behind this event, which was carried out respectfully and to the apparent approval of those in the vicinity.
Because of an infinitesimally small group of rabble rousers, entire cities are caving into irrational demands to halt all mention of Jesus as believers across the nation, wary of retribution, shy away from fully expressing their faith.
The left has so misconstrued the First Amendment that much of America now feels any mention of Jesus by any public entity anywhere automatically represents government endorsing Christianity as the one true religion.
While many Americans – including me – certainly subscribe to that worldview, there is nothing preventing those with other religious beliefs to practice as they see fit.
Applying oil to the proverbial squeaky wheel, though, authorities often cave to a vocal minority of moral relativists, safe in the assumption the silent majority of Christians will live up to our reputation and remain silent.
A group of innovative and dedicated believers in California proved that assumption is no longer reliable.

B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.

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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. Too funny. More like an impromptu play, not a flash mob. Would likely be more appropriate in their church.

  2. Chris, I recieved a video & it was spectacular & well thought out ahead of time. The crowd’s spontaneous participation (even the children) was unbelievable. Unobtrusive, but all encompassing at the same time…There were those that just kept on about what they were doing & that’s fine, The smiles of amazment & joy were fantastic. “Church” can be most anywhere the heart is.The applause at the end was like a huge AMEN

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