Creepy: Florida- Crowd Chants ‘Hail Obama’

There are eerie similarities between Barack Obama and Adolph Hitler, and it appears as though Obama’s followers are going to a creepy, new level in Florida. In the 1930’s and 1940’s it was “Heil Hitler”, now, in 2012, it is “Hail Obama”.

For those who are not familiar with history, here is a quick note from Wikipedia:

Characteristic of a cult of personality, it was adopted in the 1930s by the Nazi Party to signal obedience to the party’s leader Adolf Hitler and to glorify the German nation and later the war effort.

If Obama is re-elected, I wonder if history will repeat itself once again. In Germany, the salute eventually became mandatory for citizens. Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic appears to have learned from their history, as the salute a criminal offense in all four countries now.


FOX 35 News Orlando

H/T The Blaze

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One Comment

  1. Very poor reporting to say that he heard ‘hail obama’ without running a tape showing that happened.

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