Obama Supporters Discuss Benghazi…Or Not…

At least two things to take from this video:

1)Votes from an informed electorate are critical.

2)College students may be well educated but are not necessarily well informed.

IF you know where Benghazi is. . .

IF you have even heard of the Arab Spring . . .

IF you know who Chris Stevens was. . .

IF you know about the lies told by this administration to cover up their errors. . .


The people in this video will be voting. It is time for the educated electorate to rally and vote for a better direction. 

Vote November 6 and take a friend.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

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