Friends With Buyers Remorse? Share This With Them.
My Buyers Remorse is a website created by the American Jewish Coalition.
They are offering a series of testimonials by people who voted for Obama but have since recanted. Many were caught up in the Hope and Change hype of 2008 but are now concerned at the direction of this country. These short clips are candid person assessments of the current state of the economy and its impact. They would be meaningful for all who might also be experiencing buyers remorse.
Share them. Let your friends know, it’s okay to vote Republican.
Obama supporter 2008. Discovered being a strong speaker doesn’t mean a strong leader. Concern about Iran situation.
Believed in Hope & Change campaign in 2008. Hope is gone. Change didn’t happen. With stakes this high we can do better than Obama.
Voted Obama in 2008. Contributed to Obama campaign. Concerned with administration belief that economy can be improved through additional taxation.
Campaigned for Obama. Had an Obama fundraiser in his home. Concern about returning Israel to ’67 borders and relationship with Netanyahu.