Chicago: What Makes This Country Great

Barack Hussein “kill list” Obama, on August 12, 2012, at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, IL, said, “Chicago is an example of what makes this country great.” The presidential campaign donors in attendance ate up his assertion.

But Obama did not address the murder rate in Chicago. As of mid-June, 2012, 228 Chicago citizens were killed. That’s more than soldiers killed in Afghanistan – 144 – during the same period. Further, since 2001, approximately 2,000 soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, while over 5,000 people have been killed in Chicago. And the death rate in Chicago is up 35 percent over the same period last year.

Chicago’s murder rate is currently four times the rate of New York City, and two times the murder rate in Los Angeles.

Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, former Obama White House chief of staff, could only warn street gangs. On July 9, 2012, on the CBS Evening News, Emanuel said, “Don’t come near the kids — don’t touch them.”

And Emanuel has asked the Illinois state legislature for a tougher law to curb their violence. Yeah, right. Murder is already against the law, so I’m sure gangbangers will abide by this new law and immediately stop the killings.

During the same July 9 interview with CBS’s Scott Pelley, Emanuel said, “But you have to be very aggressive in making sure that the gangbangers know that the police force and the community run those streets and they don’t.” Isn’t it rather ironic that Emanuel would say that when President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their daughters Malia and Sasha, arrived in Chicago Friday evening ahead of the Saturday, June 16, 2012, wedding of Laura Jarrett, Emanuel had police on site to help “secure the perimeter” of the wedding. And Chicago will not be reimbursed for the police security by the federal government.

Emanuel pulls out all the stops when Obama comes to town, placing between 100 and 200 cops around Valerie Jarrett’s daughter’s wedding, but can’t seem to stop gangbanger killings of Chicago citizens. I guess George Orwell was correct when he said in Animal Farm that “… some animals are more equal than others.”

But that’s just my opinion.

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