North Carolina’s Governor Vetoes Gas Exploration Bill
North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue on Sunday vetoed legislation that would have opened the door to shale gas exploration in that state.
For the second time in the last two years, Governor Purdue has stalled efforts by the Republican-led legislature to foster gas exploration in the tarheel state.
In a message about the veto, Perdue said that while she supports policies that create jobs, she doesn’t want to act too quickly.
Some estimates of the size of the formation under North Carolina could power the state for at least five years and would certainly create a booming industry for North Carolina job-seekers.
This is the second time Purdue has put her political priorities ahead of job-creating legislation. In 2011 she votoed a similar bill and has since failed to open the state to jobs and revenue that it badly needs.
The fate of North Carolina’s economy has now been left to the General Assembly for override votes. While Republicans have the votes in the Senate to override the veto, some Democrats will have to cross the aisle in the House to defeat the veto.
The State’s democrats will have to decide between jobs and the liberal special interest groups in an election year.
For once I have to really agree with her.
Have you seen the video clip’s of water coming out of a well water fed faucet turning into a fire ball?
SERIOUSLY – that doesn’t bother ANYONE?
Money and profit is THAT IMPORTANT where drinking water is of no concern? REALLY??
Try to mess with my drinking water bubba … locked and loaded!
What do we have to turn to?
Chemically loaded city water that LITERALLY KILLS fish in aquariums?
Time to look out for the people corporate thieves!
Republican’s are as bad as those Dem’s when it comes down to an entitlement JUST US mentality – figure it out – it needs to be JUSTICE for all!!
The Democrat’s plan is to eliminate coal as a source of energy and restrict our use of natural gas. This will raise the cost of energy and make renewables like wind and solar affordable.
LoudAmarican, don’t let the envirowackos scare you:
Fracking does not contaminate groundwater: study released in Vancouver
Read more:
Relocated northeast liberals have really messed up NC. NC used to be a nice conservative state, now it’s a stinking liberal hell hole. No surprise.