Americans For Prosperity Virginia’s Real Facts Tour Exposes Tim Kaine’s Dereliction of Duty

As the Virginia U.S. Senate race heats up, Americans for Prosperity’s Virginia Chapter has some interesting facts about Democratic candidate and former Governor Tim Kaine. Last Saturday, AFP Virginia’s State Director Audrey Jackson, writer and Fox News contributor Dick Morris, political analyst Kate Obenshain, conservative activist Stephen Kruiser, and radio talk show host and contributor Tony Katz embarked on a week long bus tour throughout the state exposing Tim Kaine’s leftist policies that have hurt Virginia. They were also joined by AFP President Tim Phillips and other local activists leading the the fight for economic liberty and limited government.
The focus of the Real Facts, Real Solutions bus was clear. AFP VA is dedicated to pushing a narrative based on the governor’s record stating “Virginians deserve better than the debt and higher taxes he left us with when he [Kaine] left the Governor’s Office. Leading the efforts in Virginia, Kaine supported government run health care, he supported a billion dollars in tax increases. When Governor in 2005 he inherited $1.2 billion surplus, yet he left Virginians with a $4.2 billion dollar budget shortfall when he left office. In addition, he increased Virginia’s debt by nearly 50% and he continues to stand by President Obama’s failed policies. Virginia can’t afford more of Tim Kaine’s policies.”

The event, held in Woodbridge this past Friday, was greeted by a few misguided Kaine supporters protesting outside the L&B Pizzeria, but concluded without incident. Local activist Tito Munoz gave passionate remarks concerning how this fight is about the future of our country and not about political allegiances. He stated how economic strife proliferated throughout the state under the Kaine administration and how we need people to continue to fight the left’s agenda. Munoz continued by showing how socialism is a failed economic philosophy that destroyed the Soviet Union and is ruining nations like Venezuela and Cuba. As an immigrant from Latin America, he stated how he came to this country with nothing and knew no English at the time. However, he worked hard and has achieved success as a businessman. Living proof that the American Dream is still alive, but endangered under the policies of Barack Obama and Tim Kaine. He concluded on how the Democratic Party has moved far to the left and the Kennedy Democrats of the past are long gone. Hence, why we must deny Tim Kaine a seat in the U.S. Senate because America deserves better and Virginians need a representative who has the taxpayers’ interests at heart.
AFP Tim Phillips reiterated those points concerning the huge fight ahead of us. However, he did mention how conservatives may have become a bit complacent about the outcome of the recent Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. Although he did state how could we not become lulled into that false sense of security because “hey it’s unconstitutional.” However, Mr. Phillips was adamant that it’s up to us to push for full repeal with this takeover of health care. It’s not impossible. The grassroots of the conservative movement came out in full force in 2010 and took away the president’s credit card. Then-Speaker (what a nice phrase…) Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in Congress blew a 50 vote majority in the House and a 60 vote majority in the Senate to pass this takeover and members of the mainstream media forget that this bill started with a 64% approval rating. Mr. Phillips appropriately bashed the former governor for leaving Virginia behind to become Obama’s biggest cheerleader for his policies before completing his term as Governor.

However, Dick Morris engaged the crowd by asking them if they were willing to sacrifice a week’s salary to pay the fine for not buying health insurance. This should be the next poll about Obamacare. Mr. Morris gave perspicacious examples on how this new law will indelibly change how you make your health care decisions with your doctor. For example, a thirty year old illegal immigrant could get a hip replacement, but an eighty-year old war veteran could be denied since his “quality years are limited.” It could lead to more deaths amongst women since mammograms will not be covered annually, but bi-annually. We all know that detection is critical in the fight against cancer and this change will put 13,000 women at risk. Talk about the war on women. Mr. Morris also detailed how Avastin, an effective cancer fighting drug, is banned from Canada due to restrictions imposed by its health care bureaucracy. Welcome to the world of rationed care.
Mr. Morris reminded the audience that Tim Kaine was on the frontlines promoting Obamacare and how the Supreme Court is not a reliable institution when it comes to protecting our rights. That responsibility rests with us on the political battlefield. He stated why unemployment has remained above 8% over the past forty months. It’s not because the disease is stubborn, it’s because the prescriptions Obama has been writing to cure the illness aren’t working. As a result, this creates a volatile business climate, which is why corporations and banks are holding, cumulatively, $3 trillion in cash and aren’t lending or investing to create jobs and grow the economy. Obama’s remedy to this problem is borrow more and spend more to a point where, as Morris indicated, we’re entering a debt implosion cycle. An event this nation has experienced in the 1840s, 1890s, and 1930s. Morris stated that if Kaine were in the audience, he would give frivolous excuses, like striking at the right time when they had the majorities in congress, because they were afraid that their opportunity of passing government-run healthcare legislation would slip away again. Hence, the progressive mind in action, which centers on sacrificing what is economically responsible for the sake of scoring political points.

Concerning bad policy, the inimitable Tony Katz gave his experiences coming from a state fraught with bad policy. As a California resident, Mr. Katz has seen his fair share of bad government. He cites the city of Stockton filing for bankruptcy and twenty other cities waiting in the wings destined to suffer the same fate. He was concise and to the point. It’s a battle between bad policy and good policy. Tim Kaine inherited a $1.2 billion dollar surplus and left the Governor’s mansion saddling Virginia with $4.2 billion dollars in debt. He stated that people aren’t stupid and know the difference, which is why a convict in West Virginia was able to win 40% of the vote in the Democratic primary last spring. This is a result of the Obama administration’s war on coal. He concluded with California’s pending referendum this November that would raise taxes, yet again, on its residents because Gov. Jerry Brown has increased the deficit from $9 billion to $16 billion. He stated “Don’t be like California” and this November the fight is about policy, not politics.

Political analyst Kate Obenshain dove deeper into the policy aspect concerning Mr. Kaine. She shattered the false narrative that he was a political “moderate.” You’re not a moderate when you become the DNC chair between Howard Dean and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Ms. Obenshain stated under the Kaine administration, there wasn’t a single entitlement program he didn’t want to expand. Mr. Kaine pushed the Democratic Party’s dependency agenda and more Virginians were enslaved in the various poverty programs as a result. A travesty considering that Virginia was the model for welfare reform in the 1990s. Mr. Kaine’s moderate disposition looks very shoddy when as governor, his budget proposal contained the largest tax increase in Virginia state history. Not one member of the Virginia state legislature voted for it, similar to Obama’s budget, which resulted with the closure of 19 of 42 rests stops to save money. In actual fact, Virginia Department of Transportation was sitting on $1.4 billion dollars and the closure was wholly unnecessary. Mr. Kaine chose to ignore this information.
Kaine pushed cap and tax and refused to pursue offshore drilling permits. When the permits were up for bidding again, he petitioned the Department of the Interior to delay the sale. As governor, Mr. Kaine was more concerned about pushing the Obama agenda than looking after the interests of Virginians, which constitutes a dereliction of duty on his part. A lack of vigilance that cost Virginia up to 100,000 new jobs.

As the pizza and wings began to dwindle, comedian and conservative activist Stephen Kruiser, another resident of commie -California, gave a rousing rallying cry stating that we should never take the left’s criticism that we are powerless. Power is in everyone who cares, who knocks on doors, and makes phone calls. If you think that’s wrong, just look at Wisconsin or ask former Sen. Dick Lugar. He stated how gatherings, like the one held in Woodbridge, from grassroots organizations like AFP scares politicians, especially the those who advocate bad policy. What’s so great about this country, as Kruiser stated, is that “it’s a nation where you can witness a failed policy and work your butt off to throw that politician out on the street.” Americans for Prosperity is doing a great job exposing politicians peddling bad policy. Don’t reward them. Throw them out and deny them another term as a reward for pushing policies that harm American freedom. Mr. Kaine is one of those politicians.