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Looking for a JOB-Try North Dakota!

Are you willing to relocate? Try North Dakota. Unemployment is now at 3% with some areas as low as 1% (DOL June 2012 figures). Fast food restaurants are paying $15/hour because there is such a demand. Construction workers and truck drivers are in big demand as boom town cities spring up in the middle of nowhere. From waitress to engineers, North Dakota boasts the highest jobs increase over the past year of any state.

Why? What is happening in the state most people think of as a vast farm?

It’s simple. It’s oil. Oil found on private lands and a t new technology allows the companies to retrieve. Proponents are excited because this is a vast untapped area. This oil will help reduce the need on foreign products hopefully stabilizing fuel prices for Americans.

When the Alaska pipeline was built many high school graduate friends took advantage of the need for workers and braved time working on the pipeline and the North Slope. In return they came home with experience and enough money to pay for college or establish themselves in business. Similarly, if you are willing to make a move and experience life in the heartland North Dakota might be worth a try.

The Foundry, a news blog of Heritage Foundation has been looking at the oil boom in ND. This short video gives a quick explanation of fracking and shows how it has impacted some of the people. You can also read more about it here.


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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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