Does Holder need a time-out?
Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice have quite a To-Do list these days.
Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona over immigration patrols
Lawsuit against the State of Arizona over HB 1070 now in the hands of the Supreme Court
Sue the State of Florida for attempting to purge dead and illegal voters from their voter registration rolls
Deal with the subsequent counter-suit from the State of Florida over the DOJ’s frivolous lawsuit
Anti-trust lawsuit against Apple and other eBook sellers
Sue Texas, South Carolina and other states over state voter ID laws
Potential contempt charges
… and then there’s those pesky national security leaks that he has to deal with.
The Department of Justice seems to be quite busy creating crime and stirring up lawsuits at a time when the department itself claims annual crime data shows a decrease in crimes across the nation.
Attorney General Eric Holder may need to take some time off. Perhaps he should follow the request of Texas Senator John Cornyn and others who have called on Holder to resign his post.
Holder needs a long time out! About 30 to 40 years without Parole! Along with Hussien and all their cronies!