Did Joel Osteen Commit Adultery?
SAN JOSE, Calif., May 17, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — “Joel Osteen has been caught in adultery to God and is betraying Jesus,” says Pastor Steven Andrew, President of USA Christian Ministries and author of “Making A Strong Christian Nation.”
The ministry president calls for Osteen to step down since he won’t renounce Mormonism. James 4:4 says, “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?” See the video here.
Osteen said, “I see [Mormons] as brothers and sisters in Christ,” “It would be appropriate [for Mitt Romney to speak at Liberty University]” and “I just believe in all my heart [Obama] is a Christian.”
Jesus teaches that according to their fruit you will know wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Obama’s fruit is covering the name and cross of Jesus at Georgetown, wanting to leave living babies to die who survive abortions, mocking God with homosexual sin, tempting Americans to covet other people’s money, following Saul Alinsky books dedicated to Lucifer and other sins.
Romney’s fruit is an elder in the Mormon cult. Mormons believe that Jesus is a created being, the spirit brother of Lucifer. Romney thinks “magic” underwear gives power and that he will become a god. This is considered evil by Christians because Jesus is the second Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit gives power, and Satan tried to be god and is condemned to hell.
Pastor Steven Andrew hoped to talk privately with Joel Osteen, but Osteen refused. Pastor Steven says, “I care for Christians and encourage them to find Biblical pastors to know Jesus. Osteen is sharing in Obama’s and Romney’s sins, and misleading Americans.”
Christians are also concerned that Jerry Falwell Jr. insisted Mormon elder Romney speak at Liberty University. Some question if Osteen and Falwell Jr. are Christians. Galatians 1:9 teaches Mormons are “accursed.”
“Franklin Graham, Richard Land and Pat Robertson are also called to step down for leading Americans astray to vote for Mormon Romney,” he adds.
“Ron Paul is the only Christian running for President and could win as a write in, or Christians renouncing Romney.”
“If Romney has a Christian VP, it is still forbidden by Scripture to vote for Romney or Obama.”
Pastor Steven Andrew started a daily teaching video to encourage Christians to grow in God. He is raising funds to lead a 1000 pastors to pastor the USA, and to buy TV time. To help support these ministries, click here.
Stephen Andrew is raising money and he needs some attention / publicity. Apparently, someone told him if he connects himself to Joel Osteen in a press release it will get picked up and seen. Someone else must have said, “Hey Steve, if you headline your press release with Joel Osteen comitting adultry it will really get wide coverage!” This is so very sad. I demand that Stephen Andrew step down as President of U.S.A Christian Ministries for being an idiot!
I am encouraged that Pastor Steven Andrew is standing up for Christians to obey God’s Word. Obeying God is how to heal the USA.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 3:12