Obama creating a nation of lazy, good-for-nothing mooches
Finally we are able to point at something (besides record gas prices) as an accomplishment of the Obama Administration: more Americans are finding it acceptable to live off of government hand-outs than ever before.
Food stamps are being used everywhere from cruise ships to casinos. There’s even a YouTube video showing how widely-accepted EBT (food stamp) cards are for non-necessities. Now, more people than ever have turned to the government program:
The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday that 45 million people in 2011 received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, a 70% increase from 2007. It said the number of people receiving the benefits, commonly known as food stamps, would continue growing until 2014.
If the economy is getting better, why the expectation that more people will be requiring food stamps? Shouldn’t this have at least leveled-off if the jobs situation has stabilized? The CBO apparently sees an economy in decline for almost another two years.
While food stamps could arguably be for those not necessarily lazy, those opting for disability instead of a job is getting out-of-hand [emphasis added]:
A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, according to the latest official government data, as discouraged workers increasingly give up looking for jobs and take advantage of the federal program.
The number equates to 6% of the active workforce going on disability – a record ratio. The recent rise is attributable to three things:
- the relaxation of eligibility standards by Congress in 1984
- the current Administration’s harmful economic policies
- a climate of acceptance of those that would choose to go on disability even though they are able to work
Having the long-term unemployed go on to Social Security Disability is certainly better for the incumbent President and Democrat Senate. It falsely lowers the unemployment rate by taking those people permanently out of the work force.
Another negative impact is that Social Security is being drained even faster by folks who would otherwise be able to work. The money for SSDI (disability insurance) comes from exactly the same place as the retirement program (SSI) according to the government’s own website:
Social Security is funded through a tax on employers, employees, and self-insured individuals. Everyone who works in the United States pays into Social Security, and a portion of these funds are allocated to Social Security’s disability benefit programs, namely, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
The relaxation of eligibility rules and Obama’s failed economy is accelerating the demise of the senior entitlement program by turning it into a permanent unemployment benefit.
Some argue that people need these benefits because of the failing economy – pretty much the same people preaching Obama’s fantastic handling of that same economy.
once again people, there are going to be idiots in any program, organization, company and part of government.
people on cruises using ebt benefits are not food stamp benefits that is cash benefits or heap payments. people are working but making less money, therefore; they need foodstamps to supplement their incomes. disability, nobody is on that if you can work, they don’t want to give any one a dime when you are disabled you have a diffiicult time obtaining benefits and often require a lawyer to see that you do get benefits and it can take years. working is wonderful, you have pride, friends and your work family. Anything other than work sucks.
Those who cannot work or find employment are depressed and deeply sadden by their situation. so do not judge those who are not working until you have experienced some type of long term unemployment, disability or need for any type of federal benefits.
All the bums I know of here in TN who draw a disability check and are perfectly capable of working vote Republican.
Of course, almost everyone act in self interest. The thing is, (most) Republicans wouldn’t complain if they were no longer allowed to do so.
At least the author made a passing reference to the fact that some need to be on it. Coming from a conservative, that’s practically a revelation.
I have experienced long term unemployment. Depression is a mental state caused by sitting on your ass not doing anything all day. I know lots of these so called ‘victims’ and ive been their myself although i had my head screwed on straight enough to realize i was only a victim of my own behavior. If our government did not support that behavior and these people had to actually suffer real physical duress i.e. goimg without food or other necessities due to their lack of income then i frigging guarantee you that they would be able to find a job