Have we reversed the Constitution?
It’s pretty obvious at this point that our country is headed in the wrong direction. And with a little perspective, it’s just as obvious why. Over the last few decades, in many ways we have actually allowed our politicians to reverse the Constitution.
Take a look:
- We no longer focus on what government can’t do to us. Our current political conversation largely surrounds what we should expect the government to give to us. That has gotten us to the point where apparently the government now has enough power to force us to violate our religious beliefs… but who cares? Look… free condoms!!
- This nation was founded with the mindset that individuals should have the freedom to do whatever they choose (to the greatest extent possible) and that the power of the government should be strictly limited. But the prevailing wisdom in Washington D.C. is that the government can do whatever it wants and that the freedom of individuals should be limited.
- There is no provision in the Constitution for entitlement spending, yet we increase it. National defense is one of few areas of spending specifically mentioned in the Constitution, yet we decrease that. Our politicians talk as if entitlement spending were mandatory and defense spending were an option. It seems that our politicians now feel it’s now a higher priority to protect Americans from the burden of paying for their own retirement than to protect them from foreign invasion.
Our Constitution was founded on principles that have been proven to be effective in protecting our rights as individuals. When we do the opposite of what is provided for in the Constitution, it only makes sense that we would get the opposite of protection. And that’s what we’re getting – the government is waging an all out assault on our liberty. But who cares? Look… free condoms!
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