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LOL! Yeah! Let’s try algae! Obama has crashed our economy more times that he should! It’s time to STOP! He’ll never get it right because he’s too far LEFT! His Marxist ideals don’t fit in the free market system which is what made America successful in the first place! Obama has to go! Great toon Tony! As usual!
Thank you Corkie.. He’s not just a Marxist, he is a radical Marxist as the Breitbart tapes are relieving today on Hannity.
Amen, Tony! I don’t understand why more people cannot connect the dots between Obama’s green energy initiatives: to make traditional energy generation more expensive, borrowing billions in foreign money to invest in inefficient technologies…and an American economy that’s on life support.
I hear ya Lech… Thank you for the comment!
Tony, great cartoon. The Navy is following this same path to destruction with biofuels. Would you consider doing a similar cartoon, perhaps with a Blue Angel jet? How do I reach you to discuss licensed use of your art?
Thank you Cliff… I’ve seen similar toon for the navy, only on a destroyer with
LOL! Yeah! Let’s try algae! Obama has crashed our economy more times that he should! It’s time to STOP! He’ll never get it right because he’s too far LEFT! His Marxist ideals don’t fit in the free market system which is what made America successful in the first place! Obama has to go! Great toon Tony! As usual!
Thank you Corkie.. He’s not just a Marxist, he is a radical Marxist as the Breitbart tapes are relieving today on Hannity.
Amen, Tony! I don’t understand why more people cannot connect the dots between Obama’s green energy initiatives: to make traditional energy generation more expensive, borrowing billions in foreign money to invest in inefficient technologies…and an American economy that’s on life support.
I hear ya Lech… Thank you for the comment!
Tony, great cartoon. The Navy is following this same path to destruction with biofuels. Would you consider doing a similar cartoon, perhaps with a Blue Angel jet? How do I reach you to discuss licensed use of your art?
Thank you Cliff… I’ve seen similar toon for the navy, only on a destroyer with