I Gridlocked L.A.
Hey L.A. Boys & Girls! It’s time again for our Monthly Visit from President Barack Obama!
#@$%^@^&%*!! (cheers & applause)
Our Fearless Leader will be in town to Rub Elbows with some of his Millionaire and Billionaire Friends & Donors at $35,800 apiece then he’ll head down to The O.C. on Thursday Morning where you can get a photo taken with him for a mere $10,000 a pop!
Who’s the Party of the Rich, again?
We know that makes for a Hellish Commute for some of us, but ‘The One’ decided to soothe our rattled nerves with a song.
[mp3player width=250 height=100 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=https://conservativedailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/GridLockLA.mp3]
And for those without a Flash ability (you iPeople know who you are):