Gay Arizona Sheriff Caught Lovin on an Illegal?
Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu resigned as Mitt Romney’s campaign co-chairman, and also came out of the closet to admit that yes, he is a homosexual on Saturday, in response to media charges that he threatened to use the power of his office to keep his lover from telling the world about their relationship. Many people may know Sheriff Babeu from his numerous appearances on national news shows speaking out against President Obama’s failure to enforce immigration laws. In a nasty twist to this story are the very questionable claims that the homosexual lover of Sheriff Babeu was threatened with deportation if he didn’t keep their relationship secret and out of the media. Wait a minute! The tough-talking Arizona Sheriff who has been taking on Barack Obama and his illegal amnesty by executive order fraud upon America, not only has a gay lover… but said lover is alleged to be an illegal criminal alien?
From Reuters via Yahoo/Obama2012 media-puppets HQ comes this article, in which we see a vicious attempt at a smear campaign against Sheriff Babeu.. or some very troubling signs of malfeasance:
A local sheriff resigned as a co-chair of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s campaign in Arizona on Saturday after he was accused of threatening a former male lover with deportation to Mexico if he talked about their relationship.
Babeu acknowledged at a press conference on Saturday that he is gay and that he had a personal relationship with the man making the allegations, whom he identified only as “Jose.”
The Phoenix New Times alternative newspaper reported on Friday that Babeu’s lawyer had asked Jose to sign a legal agreement that would require him to keep quiet about his involvement with the sheriff. According to the newspaper, the lawyer also warned Jose that any talk about their relationship could imperil his immigration status. (emphasis added)
Sheriff Babeu admits he is gay, yet refutes the charges coming from an “alternative news source.” This is reminiscent of the Herman Cain attacks that drove him out of the 2012 presidential race, albeit some of them substantiated, while the majority of them were never proven. This does follow the pattern of stealth personal attacks that mainly come from the Democratic Attack Machine, where the source of the supposed information is always hidden behind several layers of fake news sites, then “leaked” to media operatives to turn it into a national news story.
The Phoenix New Times comes off as a totally discredited supposed “news site” when you check out their homepage and see there is no information about just who they are, nor is there anything about just who is behind this website posing as a news source. One pattern that does jump right out at the reader is the pro-illegal amnesty slant and the bashing of anyone who speaks out against criminal illegal aliens today. They appear to sprinkle the site with retread Arizona news articles in an attempt to hide the real agenda. That agenda would also be the very same agenda as the Democratic-Party funded, pro-criminal illegal immigration community organizers over at La Raza. Coincidence? Hardly believable.
Footnote: Since DHS claims that they need to use their resources deporting the serious criminal illegal aliens and therefor refuse to track down and deport “innocent” illegals such as Babeu’s gay lover, thanks to this story, they don’t have to spend a nickel of taxpayers money to track down this long-time illegal criminal. How about it DHS and ICE? Babeu obviously knows this criminal’s address, so how about deporting him? That won’t happen either, simply because this illegal puppet has already been signed up to reelect Barack Hussein Obama. You can take that statement to the bank!
This story is in several places. Not just liberal ones. The sources published what the alleged victim stated and they did not publish it as a matter of fact but as a matter of what was stated. Therefore, rather than attempt to discredit the facts of the story, how about make some calls, like regular investigative journalists do, and get to the bottom of the story. Or, do you prefer to be like Faux News and just make things up or twist things in your conservative favor? This is a HUGE story on two fronts. First, a gay conservative…which now has been proven. Second, a pro immigration sheriff who may have been harboring an illegal immigrant and then threatening to deport him. IF this were a liberal issue (Acorn, etc) you would be ALL over it. Do your job CDN…if in fact you are a real news outlet.
Since this is a conservative, all conservatives will be excoriated for it. If it’s a liberal, it’s always just a PERSONAL problem.