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My Little Pony + Fox News' Red Eye = Interesting Video

If you’re a fan of FNC’s Red Eye or interesting videos in general, then I have a treat for you.  Someone at Fox decided to send Bill Schulz and a camera guy to the January 2012 Bronycon in NYC, and hilarity ensued.  Check it out, check it outers.

Some of you might be amused, but you’re still wondering what Bronycon is.  Believe it or not, for something as “simple” as a convention dedicated to cartoons and toys, there is a lot of conflicting information out there.  The shortest possible answer I can give you is that Bronycon is a convention that’s held in New York City multiple times a year that is dedicated to the 4th generation of the My Little Pony cartoons.

The “controversy” begins when you start asking what exactly a “Brony” is.  Prevailing wisdom states that a Brony is an adult (or teen) male that is a fan of the show.  However, when researching this piece (so I could explain what a Brony is), I learned that the My Little Pony (MLP) community is split on the use of that term.  Some people feel that ALL fans of the MLP are Bronies, including women and children.  While some women feel that “Brony” is too masculine, and they have opted to be called “Pegasisters”. (think pegasus and sister)  You can read a Tumblr post on it here, and a Reddit piece here, if you want to see what some of the fans have to say about the distinction.

Either way, this is an interesting segment of society, and indicators show that it may be growing.  For more Bronycon action check out this video from below.

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