
January 7th 9pm ABC/Yahoo! News Republican Debate

Saturday at 9pm Easterm, ABC, Yahoo! News and WMUR teamed up to produce the first of two New Hampshire GOP debates this weekend.

Poll after the debate:

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Participants: Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum

Moderators: Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos and local TV anchor Josh McElveen


<as soon as available, but here’s some of it>
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ABC News 2 minute highlight:

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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    1. Why would the Bilderberg groop want Ron Paul to be president? How much have they given him? What is this horse shit you speak?

      1. I am not sure of which candidate he is speaking of, but I know that Obama is said to have $1,000,000,000 in campaign funds. I know that he didnt get that kind of donation from individual donors. My bet will ride on Obama is the one Bilderberg wants to be our President. Another great reason we the American people do not want him to have a second term. Look into it yourselves people!! You are being herded like cattle.

  1. I tuned in a little late, but I can tell you that sound bites proudly served by our like-minded quatrain; Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, and Huntsman, in the last 15 minutes are no less than condescending to the intelligence of everyone who watched the debate tonight. I am sure if you took time to research their vote records, you will find great discrepancies in their responses tonight. I am not screaming Ron Paul in your face I am saying that if you ignore everything that has been said in the past year from every candidate and research each ones voting records find out what stance they took on each issue. You will not be able to distinguish one candidate from the other. Except for one man, and that is a man of truly consistent character and principle, Ron Paul. Please take the time to look into the facts for yourself with your own eyes, with your mind. Digest the information, and make a truly informed decision that would reflect the founding fathers, who proved that a nation free of over-taxation, regulation, and manipulation, founded on truth and integrity will thrive and that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is best left decided by the individual NOT GOVERNMENT. Read the Constitution of your country, your Bill of Rights, and, for goodness sake, learn something real about the men who founded this country. They got it right; we messed it up. Recent history has proven that. Ron Paul is different from them because he is not a puppet. Research will prove that.

    1. Been watching the replay clips as well. I believe you need to take into account how they just gave you an opinion to ponder while showing sound bites of good rheteric and positive encouragement for one candidate and statements that are true. The whole 1:38 was positive for one candidate and negative for all others. Make your own opinion, and find out the truth. The reporters collect checks from corporate owned news stations. You decide who is President, not the news stations.

      1. We thought Diane Sawyer and George Stephanololos did a rather poor job of moderating the Saturday debate. They asked questions that they hoped would lead to provoking the candidates to tearing down one another rather than trying disclose positions and information. Stephanopolos asked a question about states rights to regulate contraception, Huntsman, Romney, Santorum and finally Paul questioned the motivation for asking that question. Media bias is rampant, we thought the candidates did a good job of not allowing themselves to be provoked into acting like buffeting buffoons.

    2. We have regularly been watching the candidate debates and we feel we are increasingly receiving more and more information as the candidates crystallize their sources and positions. Looking at each candidate in light of the U.S. economic situation it is obvious Romney is the only one who has the education, experience, and capability to get the U.S. out of the shackles of debt. Gingrich might not be able to recognize sterling character, Huntsman seems to want “to be king”, Santorum has too much baggage, Perry has memory issues, Paul appeals to those who want to be isolationists, Romney is the only one who sees the big picture and has the leadership and solutions to make America great again.

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