Gingrich Within Margin of Error of Tying Romney in National Poll
Newt Gingrich trails Mitt Romney by just 3 points in the lates Rasmussen Reports national survey of likely Republican voters.
Mitt Romney came in with 30% and Newt took a surprising 27% – well within the polls 3% margin of error of tying for the top spot.
Gingrich’s surge is likely due to another stellar performance in a presidential candidate debate. Newt received a standing ovation after a string of rousing responses to moderator questions and took no issue answering the race-baiting questions of Juan Williams.
Mitt Romney played the debate safe and therefor came out unrewarded but unscathed. Paul struggled to communicate his unpopular foreign policy and both Santorum and Perry had an uneventful, if not uninspiring debate showing.
Santorum has dropped significantly since the the last survey two weeks ago and Paul and Perry trail him even further. As the South Carolina primary approaches this Saturday, it is shaping up to be a two man race barring unforeseen circumstances.