Facebook, The New Timeline, and How It Affects Your Newsfeed
Things are forever changing in the Social Media world. Twitter has had recent updates and changes, Google recently announced the G+1, Facebook now has the Timeline, and Lego has announced they are jumping in the Social Media arena.
To go along with Facebook’s new Timeline format, they have introduced 60+ new apps to enhance your online socializing experience and some new friends for the “like” button as well.
PC Magazine has asked the question: Should you use Facebook’s new Timeline Apps?
Daily Mail said: Forget about the “Like” button.
Business Insider tells you the first 12 apps you need to check out for your Timeline.
Where there is growth, there is always growing pains.
While we have not been able to confirm this, Anomalous Media has learned that there may be an additional change that’s recent to Facebook. We are still investigating, but it very well may have something to do with the new Apps they have released.
If you “like” a page, you will get the feed from that Facebook page posted to your wall.
However, with the recent changes, it seems as though it takes a little more work on your part to continue receiving the feed.
We have not been able to confirm the time Facebook has allotted, but it appears as though if you have not “liked” a link from that particular page’s newsfeed recently, you will no longer receive the feed to your wall.
To make sure you continue receiving the newsfeeds you like, be sure to click the “like” button on a link here and there from that particular feed!
Also, be sure to let your voice be heard! If you read a post that you like or dislike, be sure to make a comment!