Bob Beckel: Liberals Created A Dependent Society With Welfare
We live in a world of “Gotcha Journalism” that greases its wheels with quotes like the one in this video. That is why I’m going to try to share it responsibly. Bob Beckel, the “resident Liberal” at Fox News, made a startling comment today on The Five. When briefly discussing entitlements, he said that Liberals had made a “terrible mistake” with things like public housing and welfare, and that they had inadvertently created a “dependent society”. Video is below.
As a conservative audience, I can see the temptation to jump on Beckel’s quote and exploit it for all it’s worth. Here we have a Liberal stating point blank that their policies have not only failed, but he’s implying that damage has been done to society. It’s a pretty damning and powerful statement.
Judging by the reaction I got when I shared this quote on Twitter, there is much to exploit in the video, but… I think there is another powerful statement when you consider the full context of things. Try, if you can, to imagine this being said on any other network. You definitely would not have a Liberal admit something like this on MSNBC. And even a milquetoast network like CNN wouldn’t dare to make such a proclamation. You only get lucid moments like this on Fox News, and it’s sad. And I have to say “lucid moments”, because it’s not like Fox is that much above the fray. They have plenty of partisan reporting on their part too. It’s just that every now and then, someone has the courage or the ability to speak truthfully, and for that I thank them.
Bob definitely gave the Right Wing something to crow about with this quote, but I also think he gave us, as Americans, something to think about: If we’re ever going to actually solve some of the problems in this nation, we’re going to have to admit the instances where our side is wrong.
I once heard Bob yell ‘what have Republicans ever done for black?!!.” The others just sat there looking stunned. The highly educated couldn’t’ answer. I was yelling at the TV. The civil fights act, the voter rights act, we didn’t lure them into welfare with lies, we didn’t put a boot on their necks through dependency for votes etc… Absolute silence from the four, he got away with it. It was embarrassing. I too like Bob personally. But he needs to learn about Unions and communism and the link from the time the first organizers came from east Europe. I looked it up and communism ran through every site. He has mellowed a lot and I’ve always wondered what happened to make him change in such a short time.