The Super Committee Smoke Screen: A Raging Success As Planned
I keep hearing that Congress’s Super Committee has failed due to the fact they could not agree on the “spending cuts” and “revenue enhancements” they were “supposed” to make. The sinister truth of this unconstitutional committee is that the perceived failure is actually a successful conclusion. You see, the whole idea at the outset was for failure. The goal of both parties from the outset was for this venture to fail so both parties could go back to business as usual. It was nothing but a smoke screen to self-justify raising the debt ceiling, a way to distract We the People so they could continue the trip to tyranny we are on. The Democrat Party base is happy they didn’t allow any spending cuts and the Republican Party base is happy they didn’t allow any tax increases. Those of us with any brains at all know the score. The party insiders won again. After all, what are we going to do about it, vote them out? Both parties are complicit and the “leaders” have been in office for decades without any danger of being voted out because they buy votes with the spending.
Am I not correct about this? Wasn’t this committee the “answer” to the “temporary” debt ceiling issue? They would raise the debt ceiling $2.4 trillion today while they debated how to cut $1.2 trillion over 10 years. And the “super committee” was to figure out how to “cut spending”, or in plain talk, disseminate the smoke screen so the citizenry couldn’t see Congress burn our country down. They can now go back to the normal finger pointing, partisan rhetoric, and baloney that Congress has become famous for while accomplishing absolutely nothing that will be a positive for We the People. They go back on the campaign trail and laugh at We the People all the way to the ballot box, while publicly blaming each other for failure as America burns to the ground.
And while WE the People were focused on the “Super Committee” and its perceived failure the criminals in the Senate have just passed legislation that suspends habeas corpus laws in the Bill of Rights, part of the original Constitution of the United States of America. The Senate, with many Republicans among the 61 votes, has effectively rescinded the 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments in the Bill of Rights with passage of SB 1867. It now goes to the House for the final nail in our coffins. They have also taken up concealed carry reciprocity, which gives federal government a say in how the 2nd Amendment is administered in each state. A state that requires no permit for concealed carry will now have to require a permit so other states can “reciprocate” their right to carry. They could have passed a law making national concealed carry without a permit the law of the land but they didn’t. How is that for a successful venture into totalitarianism? Bye, Bye 2nd Amendment.
How long do you expect the 2nd Amendment to last now that both political parties have decided Congress will determine state firearms laws? Chew on that one for a bit. They can’t figure out, after 2 months of wrangling, how to cut $1.2 trillion over 10 years but they can take away our constitutional rights with 2 different unconstitutional bits of legislation in a matter of days without so much as a single public hearing in Congress. Isn’t it wonderful when our government works so hard, behind closed doors, to “protect” us? Move on, nothing to see here folks!!!!!!! “The most transparent administration and Congress in history”. Uh-Huh!!!
While we were concerned about where the cuts were going to be made in the outlandish spending, they were busy taking away the rest of our freedoms. The super committee was designed to fail from the beginning. It was all a smoke screen to keep our eyes off of the gun rights issues, the right to a speedy trial, the right to face our accusers, the right to have a jury of our peers when charged, and of all ridiculous things, the requirement that we be charged with a crime to be arrested. The Democrats demanded higher taxes and the Republican demanded lower taxes but neither demanded spending cuts, not real spending cuts; and while we were watching the circus clowns the Gestapo moved in, led by John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
Oh, they talked about cutting spending, but with base-line budgeting cutting spending means cutting the rate of growth not actually cutting anything. Neither party has any intention of cutting spending, a fact that should be apparent to even the dimmest bulb in America. If cutting spending was the intent why wasn’t spending cut when Bush had both houses of Congress with him? Why did the debt go up under Bush and a Republican Congress?
If cutting spending was the intent, why have Boehner and McConnell gone along with raising the debt ceiling so many times, including during the Bush administration? If cutting spending and balancing the budget (what budget?) was the goal why was cut, cap, and balance pilloried by Democrats and abandoned by Republicans before it was even introduced? If cutting the deficit was the intent why didn’t it get done when Democrats had super majorities in both houses of Congress and held the White House?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are being conned once again and all too many people believe the Republicans are the answer. I disagree. I see the Republicans as the right wing of the same bird that has the Democrats as the left wing, and both parties are giving us the bird every day. Unfortunately the great bird of prey that once was the American Bald Eagle has become the Republican/Democrat Bald Buzzard. They pick at the dying flesh of a once great nation; conceived in liberty, won and sustained with blood, and now being murdered by tyrants. We now can look to the old Woody Woodpecker nemesis Buzz Buzzard as our symbol of government. We the People, the 67% who call themselves TEA Party people, still represent the great American Bald Eagle but that eagle doesn’t reside in Washington, D.C.
When you look at who was picking members of this unconstitutional junta how could we expect anything positive to come out of it? Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are the two most radical Marxists to ever control Congress and on the other side we have John Boehnerand Mitch McConnell, two of the most meeley mouthed, milquetoast “leaders” I have seen in my life. Reid and Pelosi will pull no punches to turn America into a Venezuela style oligarchy while McConnell and Boehner would rather be known for being “civil and bi-partisan” than stand up for freedom, and We the People. Boehner and McConnell are either cowards or closet Marxists, and I tend to believe a combination of both. Boehner likes to play golf with Obama but would he play golf with me? Not a chance in the world. And what were they laughing and smiling about at the photo-ops? Of course, I would rather Boehner go hunting with Dick Cheney than play golf with me.
I have pointed out many times, and will continue to point out, the similarities with Venezuela. Go do some research and see where Venezuela was before Hugo Chavez was elected president there. Go back about 10 years and start working your way forward to today. A power hungry despot has turned Venezuela into a dictatorship with the help of a complacent opposition party who would rather take a seat in the back of the bus than fight for a front seat, and a complicit media. We are about 3 to 5 years behind Venezuela on the outside. It may come as soon as next year.
If we continue to elect the same kind of people to government seats we will wind up like Nazi Germany and Venezuela. Both countries freely elected those who turned their countries into horror chambers. Hitler is gone but Chavez is still a plague on his nation. Obama, Reid, Pelosi, McConnell, Boehner, and their ilk are doing the same thing to the United States, and We the People.
Tim Cox has founded GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House at ) to find citizen legislators who will go to Washington to govern, not rule; and then go back home to live under the laws they pass, as our founding fathers did. John Dummett is running for president as a Republican with the same goal in mind. John is ignored by the Democrat and Republican media because he isn’t part of the party machine of inside-the-beltway, Ivy League educated, New World Order globalists. The talking heads of both parties want business as usual. That is how they make their money. Outsiders who are interested in truly “cleaning the swamp” would ruin their little partisan television face time appearances.
The super committee “failed” to find $1.2 billion (over 10 years) of spending cuts but Congress has succeeded in declaring white male veterans who hunt, belong to the NRA, and believe in life at conception as terrorists. All it takes is for a neighbor, or anyone else, to declare you a “dissident”. Does anyone still believe the super committee failed?
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
December 2, 2011
You are one of the few commentators who share my opinion that the committee was never intended to “succeed”. I don’t blame them though. Voters prefer to be lied to when it comes to difficult decisions like this. If politicians were completely honest about difficult decisions that need to be made they would never get elected.
Bob, I concur with everything you have said with one small difference. I NOW DO NOT believe a word NO-boehner says. I am positive that he knows everything he is doing and how it will land on We The People. He’s part of the problem NOT part of the solution. When he got the gavel he ceased to be a whiney crybaby @$$ and now he’s just a lying traitor. That’s all.