Obama-Crats Had a Real Bad Week
While President Obama continued his absence of leadership in several key battles in Congress this past week, several Democrats faced an onslaught of criminal charges: abuse of power (Blagojevich), calls for impeachment for lying to Congress (Holder), possible future criminal charges for embezzling clients money (Corzine) and the call for immediate ethics charges for her veiled threats of disclosing forbidden Congressional investigative information about current GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. (Nancy Pelosi)

While the mainstream media would like to have people believe that Obama and company are riding a tidal wave of societal ignorance on their way towards another four years of false hope and change politics, informed Americans are not buying it.
This week is just the tip of the iceberg of Democratic corruption where Barack Obama’s presidency is concerned. There is still large back-log of investigations to come such as Maxine Waters (D- bank bailout fraud) ethics trial that Pelosi’s Democrats have managed to stall for over two years now, the Solyndra green cash to Democrat campaign coffers pay-to-play scandal, and now we have the newest corrupto-kids on the block, the DEA/ATF/DOJ mafia-style money-laundering and loan sharking scheme in which they acted like Al Capone’s accountants in laundering/doling out cash to Mexican drug cartels.
Chicago Democrat gets 14 years in prison for the attempted selling of President Obama’s former Senate seat, amid a slew of other Chicago mafia-style political racketeering charges.
Disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will now be joining another former corrupt-crat from Illinois in state prison, ex-governor George Ryan (R-Ill), who heads the list of a total of 6 Illinois governors to be hit with criminal charges, with 4 of them receiving federal prison sentences related to corruption. Blago, whom a majority of the media today refuse to acknowledge, is a big-time, handpicked Chicago-Democratwith very close ties to current embattled DOJ Chief Eric Holder, convicted felon Tony Rezko, and current President Barack Obama. Yes, that Barack Obama.
Blago was convicted this past week on numerous Chicago-style pay-for-play charges, including trying to sell President Obama’s former U.S. Senate seat. Blago tried to get the judge to go easy on him by stating that his life is in ruins, and reminding the judge on numerous occasions that he has a wife and children to think about. Judge Zagel also gave Blago a miniscule $20,000 fine and rebuked Blago’s claims that it was his “staff that made him do it,” when he stated, ”Rod Blagojevich’s staff did not march him down the path of corruption,” Zagel said during his sentencing. “He marched them.” As they so often do in Chicago politics, Judge, as they so often do. See ya in 14 years Blago.
DOJ Chief Eric Holder’s Feet Held to the Fire in House Hearing on the Fast and Furious Gunrunning-to-Mexican-Drug-Cartels Fiasco
The Attorney General of the United States faced a dogged hearing up on capitol hill on Thursday which included Holder being told by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) that impeachment is an option if Holder does not “clean up this mess’ quickly.
This comes on the heels of the revelation that after Holder has claimed that he has complied with all Congressional requests for information concerning the Fast and Furious fiasco that cost Border agent Brian Terry his life at the hands of a Mexican drug cartel member wielding one of the guns illegally sold by Holder and company, all of that so-called compliance for information requests did not include one single piece of correspondence from Eric Holder’s email accounts. Not one.
That alone shows Holder’s refusal to comply with Congress in getting to the truth about this tragedy and his reluctance take responsibility for his incompetence/complicity in over 121 murders linked directly to the sale of these assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Much to the dismay of Eric Holder and the Obama administration, with thanks to Republican members of Congress, this criminal activity will not be swept under the rug. Also of note is how the entire Democratic party in Congress has been shown to be attempting to cover up this scandal with ridiculous claims of Republican partisanship and undefined agendas. The families of the murdered citizens on both side of the border deserve better than that, and it is the Republicans that are fighting for justice to be served here. The list of Democrats that have been shown to have no shame in attempting to protect Eric Holder here is too long to list. Shame on you people.
$1.2 Billion Dollars of Client’s Money Missing in MF Global Scandal. Democrat CEO John Corzine Deems it “Misplaced” during testimony up on capitol hill this past week.
USA Today/Money has a nice video on this Democrat, John Corzine saying he simply has no idea where all that money went. For those of you who have not been paying attention, John Corzine is a former Democratic U.S senator, former Governor of New Jersey, and former CEO of Goldman Sachs. With all of those titles and powerful Democratic connections, can the people expect to see Corzine to be held accountable for this blatant fraud? Don’t hold your breath. Corzine and Obama go way back.
“I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date,” said Corzine, 64, in his first public comments since his resignation was announced four days after the bankruptcy filing. That is almost the exact same, lame excuse Eric Holder constantly uses when asked about F&F documents addressed to him. In an ironic example of the ramifications of Corzine’s fraud as he was the MF Global CEO when this money “went missing” Tim Johnson (R-Ill) summed it up pretty well: “People who live in the real world, as you do, a lot of people have suffered dramatically, and will suffer, because they won’t be able to buy seed, they won’t be able to buy equipment, they won’t be able to invest for the future year,” said Rep.Timothy Johnson, (R-Ill), “I’m concerned that a lot of individuals, all over the country are going to wind up holding the bag because of what is either negligence, and or commingling (of funds) and or abdication of your responsibility as a fiduciary.” Well said Congressman.
This is just the first of a three-part series of the investigation into the MF Global scandal that Democrat John Corzine will be called on the carpet to testify before Congress in the near future. Stay tuned. Meanwhile fellow Democrats such as Collin Peterson (D-Minn) chime with such harsh statements as, “It just seems pretty risky.” Way to really stand up there Mr. Peterson, for the thousands of farmers and assorted citizens who have seen their hard-earned dollars vanish into thin air simply because they trusted MF Global and Democrat John Corzine.
Ex-Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi Makes a Fool of Herself by Threatening to Reveal Secret “Dirt” on 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich, Then Backtracks
This prime example of Pelosi’s Leftist Linguistic Lunacy is summed up in a prior article here. She attempted to attack newt Gingrich and he promptly responded that the minute she illegally revealed Congressional investigative information, that she should be brought up immediately on House Ethics charges. Then Pelosi back-tracked, after apparently someone informed her of the consequences of doing what she originally promised the nation she would do. Nancy Pelosi’s attention-seeking attempt at trying to denounce Newt Gingrich back-fired big time. As the 2012 elections get closer, we can be sure to be inundated by more examples of Pelosi’s Liberal Linguistic Lunacy as she struggles to remain relevant as the Minority Leader in the House of Representatives. With these examples of proven rampant corruption within the Democratic Party across America just this past week alone, the U.S. Senate and the White House should certainly be within the reach of the GOP, regardless of who wins the nomination. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough!