
No Whining

You barely turn your television or radio on these days without hearing about the latest antics of the “occupy” wherever group. Over the past few days, I have been listening and watching the group in Dallas.

The thing that first caught my attention was when it was reported that a registered sex offender (who did not update his info) raped a 14-year-old runaway that showed up at the camp. Within just a couple of days the local Fox News station tagged along with the Dallas Police department on a welfare check of a 9 month old child. While filming the officers doing their job, one woman from the camp told the cameraman not to film her (while she was filming with her camera) because, in her words, “I hate Fox”. While the cameraman did his job capturing the news, another protestor ran interference trying to block the lens with either his hand or his entire body.

[On a side note I would like to applaud the Dallas police officer on the way he handled the situation. He let the protestors know that the news crew had the right to be there and not to interfere.]

One of the biggest complaints from the Dallas group has been the fact that some of the homeless community has been blending in their camp in order to get food and find shelter in one of the tents. There was one comment on the stations website that I could not resist sharing:

“Oh the irony.

We’re protesting income inequality. It’s no fair that others have more than we have.

What? You don’t have as much as we have and you’d like some of ours? Go fly a kite you slacker bum!”

Perhaps “irony” isn’t the right word. Maybe the more appropriate term is “hypocrisy”.”

The protestors are supposedly protesting greed, yet they do not want to share. Is it just me, or do these protestors sound like a bunch of 3-year-olds?

In another incident, a crew from the same local Fox station was doing a piece early one morning from a distance away when one of the protestors came over and started unplugging the power supply to their lighting equipment. The crew told him not to touch their equipment while the protester kept repeating “Don’t touch me” and continually unplugged their equipment. Finally the police had to intervene and let the protestors know that they could not interfere with the news crew or they could be arrested.

Since the protesters are against capitalism, corporations and freedom in general it seems, why do most all of them have new video cameras, laptops, and all kinds of other high tech gear and toys? The Dallas group even showed off their “Media tent” that they had to protect during a few thunderstorms that rolled through.

These are just a few things that have happened in the group in Dallas, yet we hear similar and sometimes even worse stories from most of the groups associated with the “occupy” protests.  They gripe about “corporate greed” and unemployment, yet most everywhere I go in the DFW area I see help wanted signs. I say they quit squatting in every bodies way , find a job (even if it isn’t their dream job) and at least start on their way to being a productive member of our American society.


** A special thank you to CDN’s very own A.F. Branco for the use of his “revised” cartoon!”

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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