In The News
Newt Floats Like A Butterfly, Stings Like A Bee
Have you wondered why Newt Gingrich has been moving up in the polls? Maybe this moment from last night’s CNBC debate has some answers.
What do you think? Was that the most awesome thing you’ve seen this week? Or was it the most awesome thing you’ve seen in your lifetime? Let us know how you feel in the comments below? (President Newt?)
Especially take note of the moderators face at the end of the clip. She might be Newt’s next wife. (I’m pretty sure he impressed her)
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Very attentive! I missed that. She was totally all like “is your wife dying by any chance” with that smile wasn’t she!?!?! hmmmmmmmmmm
Newt is truly in the debate zone. I think Romney and Cain would make a good showing against Obama in a 1 on 1 debate, Newt would absolutely mop the floor with him!
If I were the lame streamers, I would quit throwing at Newt. He has turned on everyone of their bean-balls and cranked them out of the park. Intentional walk time if I were them…
Classic. I love me some Newt.
(also…ick, that female moderator. What a wench.)
Firstly…that reporter was hot! Don’t get me wrong I got the jist of her left wing jab but ya gotta callem the way you seeum! Seriously, my beef with Newt was never with his intellect. I was so angry last election he wouldn’t throw his hat in the ring and all for that phony balloney mission he was on. Then…I got mad at Newt because of that Pelosi Commercial. HOWEVER…dang if he aint lighting em up! Somebody said before me; “love me some Newt”….they beat me to it! There are only two candidates as I see em. Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich. I am worried Santorum is gonna break down and cry because even though he is speaking substance he is getting no traction. It’s unfair but he chose politics as a career…I didn’t! So that truly only leaves us with Newt! Let’s hope conservatives don’t let the media to include Fox news convince them that Newt isn’t viable. The media right now wants Romney…”the Republican Obama”!