Letter To Senators Regarding SB 679
Sen. Coburn, Sen. Inhofe, May 9, 2011
I am writing about S.679, introduced by Charles Schumer on March 30, 2011 and co-sponsored by 15 other senators, including the Republican leader and six other Republican senators. This is another case of the Chavezization of the United States of America. Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution the way they did for a reason. They didn’t want this nation to become a third world banana dictatorship. These great men of thought and courage wrote the Constitution to give us a system of checks and balances to prevent one person or a small group of people from taking absolute control of our nation.
With the passage of this piece of dictatorial legislation, Congress will essentially vote themselves, and We the People into a state of irrelevancy. We already have too many czars who owe their allegiance to Obama rather than to the Constitution as designed. But it isn’t only Obama I am concerned about. I don’t want any president to have this much unchecked authority to do as he wishes without any congressional approval.
It may be easy for you to just pass this off as a “streamlining of the system”, but to me and many other American citizens it is not streamlining, it is abrogating the duties you swore to perform when you were elected to Congress. The background checks and investigations are supposed to prevent tax cheats and radicals from gaining important posts in our government. Look what we have in charge of our government now. A Treasury Secretary who evaded hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes because he misunderstood the tax codes (?), a member of the House of Representatives who evaded hundreds of thousands of dollars because he misunderstood the tax codes (?), radicals in Cabinet positions who seek to destroy this nation by preventing us from gaining energy independence, other radicals who are printing money like it will actually be worth something. While Ben Bernanke is screwing the Chinese with his monetary policies he is also screwing the American citizens, but that is the point isn’t it?
Now we also have another agency telling a company it can’t move from a closed shop state to a right to work state? Since when does the federal government have the right to tell any company where they can and can’t do business? Isn’t dictating where they can or can’t operate a dictatorship? Isn’t this what Adolf Hitler did? How about Hugo Chavez? Is this what you call a free market system? Or is this what we are becoming, a socialist state run by government fiat?
Charles Schumer certainly isn’t doing this for any improvement in our government, or in the growth of American exceptionalism, strength, and freedom. He is one of the most radical communistic people in Washington and believes in the subjugation of the American people. If you look at Schumer’s record you find nothing but dictatorial policies. He wants absolute gun control, open borders, murder on demand against unborn children, and total government control of every aspect of the lives of the citizens of America, just to name a few. Schumer is one who would give us a Hugo Chavez type of America. This is not what the founding fathers designed and it is not what the American people desire.
Anyone who supports this legislation is not doing so for the betterment of a free society. If you are willing to ride in the back of the Obama bus and take what crumbs he doles out that is fine but resign from office first and allow We the People to elect people with the courage it takes to govern a nation as great as America.
The co-sponsors:
Lamar Alexander
Scott Brown, what a surprise!!
Susan Collins, what a surprise!!
Jeff Bingaman
Richard Blumenthal
Thomas Carper
Dick Durbin, of course
Mike Johans
John Kyle, can you spell RINO?
Joe Lieberman
Richard Lugar
Mitch McConnell, Republican senate leader would sell our freedom? Of course!!
Jack Reed
Harry Reid, no surprise here
Sheldon Whitehouse
These are 15 senators who would sell the freedom of American citizens, and for what? What do they have to gain by destroying the Constitution? How many more are going to join in this travesty to destroy America? As my senators I certainly hope you will not be a part of this. We have already seen the freedom of American citizens, We the People, taken by Marxists who desire no more than to subjugate the American people for their own power, prestige, and wealth.
This cannot be allowed to stand. The American people are standing up in record numbers to say NO MORE OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it going to take for Congress to listen to the people? I am certain that you hear our voices. Is it that Congress doesn’t care or is it that Congress thinks we don’t matter? It must be one or the other because the voices of the people are being ignored.
This legislation gives any president unlimited power and finishes the destruction of our republic. This will not be allowed to stand. I understand the Democrat Party doing this. It has been their goal for quite some time to destroy America and turn it into their fiefdom, but for Republicans to dance right along to the tune of radical Marxist dictators is disturbing and frightening. It is time for the rank and file of the Republican Party in the senate to revolt and put a stop to this abrogation of duty by Mitch McConnell. He has consistently lied to the American people and has shown he does not have the courage or ability to stand for the rights of We the People and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States of America. He would rather ride in the back of Obama’s bus than stand for freedom. He either does not have the courage of his convictions, or has no convictions at all. I tend to believe the latter is the case.
It is time for the freedom loving members of the Senate to act. If you cannot remove Mitch McConnell from leadership and replace him with someone of character, courage, and integrity then resign your positions and we will find American citizens who will actually uphold the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. We the People have had enough of this.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
In God We Trust,
Bob Russell
Claremore, Ok.