Be Prepared: Anarchy Is On The Way
As I see and hear the words of those in the “Occupy Whatever” movement I am struck by a common theme from times past. We are on the verge of times more terrifying than have been seen since the Civil War. Our nation is imploding from the malaise of some and the dedication to communism of others. We find people who have come out in protest of real issues, but lack either the intelligence or the ability to put those issues into perspective. They have been overcome by people with no agenda other than the destruction of our way of life. I have seen and heard people threaten violence of cataclysmic proportions. I have heard the reports of rapes, beatings, theft, open drug dealing and use, and now shootings, all in the name of exercising their own “rights”.
One guy in a video that I have seen several times on various television reports and internet postings speaks of what Molotov cocktails can do to a Macy’s store. I have seen and heard others taunting the police, trying their best to start a riot. In Oakland, they actually destroyed buildings and set fires in the streets, much like what we have seen in Great Britain, Greece, Spain, and other European countries.
I hear Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and a host of other Democrat politicians come out in support of what these “occupy” people are doing. I see and hear Hollywood types, Michael Moore for one, and media people praise the “occupiers” for their “patriotism” and call them “refreshing”. Refreshing?????????? The very same people who are undoubtedly part of the “1%” being protested are out there instigating violence against others. This violence, being instigated by the ultra rich to be committed against other rich people, will not do any real damage to either set of rich people. The violence will hurt the middle income and the poor, including those who will commit these acts of violence being encouraged by ultra-rich Marxists. How will you get through this time of chaos?
Last winter, Oklahoma was hit by the worst snow storm in a decade or longer. We saw 23” of snow over about a 48 hour period. The roads had not yet been cleared when we got hit with another 12” or more a week later. Grocery stores depend on daily shipments of food staples like, bread, meats, milk, eggs, and other items to sustain their stocks. It took less than 12 hours to strip the local Wal-Mart Super Center of every loaf of bread, every package of buns, all of the milk, all of the meat, all of the eggs, and just about everything else people buy on a regular basis. The local Reasor’s and Warehouse Market grocery stores were likewise stripped of any goods in a very short time.
My wife and I are old hands at this, so we stocked up a few days early just in case the weather man was correct in his forecast. It was actually a bit worse than predicted, so many people did not have sufficient supplies to hold them over. We had extra people at our house due to a domestic issue, so we planned on feeding 4 extra mouths. The one opportunity we had between the storms to get out to restock found us coming home with not very much. If we had not prepared for the first storm, we would have been hard pressed to have enough food to eat through either storm.
The end result was a little more than 2 weeks of being pretty much snow-bound, but we had enough food to feed those in our house because we had prepared. We had also filled up our vehicles with gasoline in case we lost electricity and needed the vehicles to keep warm. We also had extra gas and a generator for backup. We were prepared to take care of ourselves and extra family members. We have 3 daughters and 10 grandchildren living in the same town with us. We were prepared to feed and house all of them if necessary.
America is fast approaching a time of hardship such as few living citizens have seen. Anarchy is going to break out, likely sooner than later. The political conventions next summer are going to be targeted by those who seek to destroy America, probably leading to massive riots and government crackdowns that will be much worse than the anti-war problems of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Those intent on causing this unrest are not making any secret of their intentions and it is unfortunate that so many will join in to help destroy the very way of life they enjoy. Useful idiots seem to be a dime a dozen in every country in the free world. I say free world because those living under dictatorships have no freedom to carry out such protests.
There are people actively plotting the overthrow of our system of government by using the riots, under the false auspices of righteous indignation, to usher in martial law and the suspension of the Constitution and Congress. Unfortunately, many of those plotters are our very own elected government officials. Some Democrats have already called for the suspension of the Constitution to allow Barack Obama to “do what he needs to do”. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is but one of those calling for Obama to be granted dictatorial powers. Those seeking this power will attempt to use riots at the conventions to gain the control they need to destroy our very way of life.
When, and I say when not if on purpose, this happens the difference in how you get through it will be in how you prepare for it. People who dismiss my warnings will find themselves in dire straits when the time comes. When we were shopping between the storms we saw people in panic mode because they could not find what they needed on the shelves and didn’t have food at home. We had food at home, but were attempting to refurbish what we could in case the next storm lasted as long. As it turned out, except for the one day, we were snowbound for about 2 1/2 weeks, but had plenty of food to get us through, even with the extra mouths to feed.
When civilized society breaks down there will be several issues to deal with. Not only will delivery of supplies to stores and gas stations be interrupted, there will be many places where even venturing out of your home might be a life threatening ordeal. We have already seen, many times, what those who espouse anarchy are willing to do to accomplish their destruction. Look at what is happening in Europe and know it will happen here. A few years ago the United States hosted one of the G-8 or G-20 (I don’t remember which one it was) summits in Pittsburgh. Rioters nearly destroyed the downtown area. Thankfully it didn’t spread to the rest of the nation but the “occupy” movement shows us that we are not going to be so fortunate the next time around.
The people who are protesting legitimate issues now have been overtaken by those intent on the destruction of our way of life. Tulsa, Oklahoma is a prime example of what is happening. People came out to protest the improper and illegal foreclosures of houses. They set up in front of the banks that were under investigation for the activities that resulted from the housing bubble bust. In no time they were overwhelmed by people who came from Oklahoma City and other places with the intent of being arrested and causing as much chaos as possible. Those who were there to peacefully participate in a lawful protest soon found themselves pleading with the outsiders to leave and allow them to get their message out. Those intent on anarchy would have none of it and were determined to cause as many problems as possible. Guess who received all of the media coverage.
The point of this is to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Families and neighbors can band together to help each other. The only way for our nation to survive is for us to help each other. You need food, water, toilet paper, and all of the other items you use every day. In our normal day to day living, it is easy to take the availability of grocery stores, and their goods, for granted. As sad as it is to say, also prepare to defend what you have. While it is good to share what you have, there are those who are willing to use force to take everything you have, not just what they need. You only have to look at the “occupy” people to see the lengths they will go to. Don’t take anything for granted, it may be a very bad decision.
Americans are resilient people and we can survive the coming problems. Those who prepare will get by just fine. Those who stick their heads in the sand and go with the “it can’t happen here” idea are in for a rude awakening. Pray for the best for our nation, but prepare for the worst.
I submit this in the name of the most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work, and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
November 17, 2011