Bachmann Campaign Releases CBS Email Indicating Bias at Debate
An email was inadvertently sent to the communications director of Michele Bachman’s campaign from CBS news that indicates that Bachmann was going to be officially minimized in the debate.
The email is actually a discussion of Rep. Bachmann’s possible appearance on a web show with John Dickerson and crew. John’s response demonstrates what all debate watchers have known – if you aren’t in the top 3 or 4 candidates, you aren’t going to get many questions. (click on email for larger version)
It isn’t news that the debate moderators ignore candidates that are faltering in the polls – but it is news when they decide to email the struggling candidate and tell them about it.
Oh, and Caroline, if you need a job, I am looking for someone to book guests. It wasn’t your fault John Dickerson failed to actually READ the part where you told him that you had cc’d Alice Stewart from Bachmann’s campaign.
John.. don’t bother.