The Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Caucus
Has anyone else wondered why there isn’t one single Democrat speaking out against the Solyndra Campaign slush fund scandal that cost taxpayers over half a billion dollars, or is it just me? What happened to the idea of the Democratic Party being “The protectors of the people in America” as EX-Speaker, Nancy Pelosi likes to say? Stealing half a billion taxpayer dollars to give to a proven failing Solar panel company, (who just happens to fill Democratic campaign coffers) is supposed to be protecting the people? Where is the outrage from the Democrats on this issue? Hint: There is none.
How about the silence from the Democratic Party concerning the Fast and Furious government gun-running fiasco? Hundreds of citizens on both sides of our Southern border, along with two border agents, have been murdered with assault weapons that our very own DOJ and ATF allowed to be sold to drug cartels from Mexico. Where is the outrage from Democrats in Congress demanding justice for this case of proven Government malfeasance? There is none.
Where are the demands of the Democratic voters, political operatives and DNC power-brokers for people to be held accountable for these obvious travesties of injustice against the American people today? Again the silence is deafening.
When it comes to the wide-ranging examples of corruption, big government abuse of our Constitution, and over-all illegal activity stemming from the Solyndra pay for play fraud, and the Fast and Furious government assault weapons to drug cartels fiasco, it now appears that the Democratic Party is indeed content to play deaf, dumb and blind. Apparently, so are their supporters that continue to chant “Four more years” while staring in the face of these examples of government abuse. (While also choosing not to speak out against them simply because it is their Party leader, Barack Obama and his appointees that are responsible for these criminal injustices being done to We the people.) People have been murdered by guns sold by our own government and half a billion tax dollars were siphoned into Democratic campaign coffers in another failed green energy scam, yet not one Democrat in Congress has the honesty or integrity to condemn these actions. Maybe they really are the deaf dumb and blind caucus. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough.
In an ironic, perfectly-timed episode of flaming hypocrisy, House Democratic Leaders, Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi just came on CSPAN talking about how they are going to restore the people’s confidence in the United States Congress. Oh really?