The Crossroads of History
We as Americans are standing at a crossroad. Our actions from this point will dramatically affect our future in this Country and in our personal lives.
We are faced with a couple of options at this very critical point. We can either call for a dramatic scale back of Federal Government or we can watch Federal Government grow. Make this choice wisely as you have found that we cannot have it both ways.
We can no longer as conservatives ask the Government to infringe on individual liberties only where we see fit all while asking them kindly to mind their own business where we do not. We cannot ask for the Federal Government to make Constitutional Amendments to ban abortion and gay marriage all while asking them to leave our guns alone. This is the point where we as conservatives, true conservatives must realize that not all of our interests can be met at the Federal level of Government.
This is not telling you to throw your morals out the window. This is a suggestion to not give the Federal Government ANY avenue into the personal lives of American Citizens. If we do, mark my words that they will come for your civil liberties just as well.
Some of you may not agree with this hands off approach, that is understandable if you are driven deeply by being morally conservative.
Being a Conservative to me means that while I do not agree with the moral issues of abortion and homosexuality I can look past that. I am not going to ask the Government at the Federal level to have anything to do with these issues. Abortion and homosexual marriage have been at the forefront of the Republican party for too long.
Its time to tell the Government to back off. We are adults and we can make our own choices. We cannot allow Big Government to step in for us because eventually Big Government will step on us.