There are currently 600 bills on the desk of California governor Jerry Brown waiting to be signed. Yes, you read that right- 600 bills. In a state gridlocked with overregulation and arbitrary laws, the legislature has decided what is needed the most is more regulation! This should hardly be a surprise to anyone who is at all familair with life in California-stan. Legislators in California are the highest paid in the nation, receiveing over $113,000 in taxpayer money per year. Add to that a per diem of $162/day for every day the legislature is in session and it doesn’t offer much incentive for lawmakers to get vital state business finished quickly and go home. A Senator in California-stan can earn up to an extra $40,000/year (on top of their salary) simply for showing up to a job they already get paid to do and signing in, as long as the legislature is officially in session. That works out to over $19,000/day taxpayers are giving away to lawmakers just to sit and make laws (which, again they already get paid to do). Many representatives also keep a second residence in the capital of Sacramento, apart from their families in other parts of the state. They are not engaged in the day to day responsiblities of running their own households, and thus have nothing better to do than collect money to devise new ways to meddle in the day to day activities of the taxpayers. With an abundance of time and money on their hands, and the opportunity to attach their name to a bill or law, California legislators piled 600 new bills onto the backs of their constituents. Here are just a few examples of the "necessary" bills waiting to be signed by Governor Brown.
AB 1319-Ban the chemical BPA bisphenol A from baby bottles, sippy cups and other food and beverage containers intended for children ages 3 and younger.
AB 746-Prohibit children under 18 years old from using tanning beds.
AB 353- restricts local police from impounding cars at sobriety checkpoints solely because a driver is unlicensed.
AB 101-Allow unions to organize child-care providers who work out of the home and handle subsidized clients. (dubbed the Babysitter Bill)
SB 292 and AB 900-would provide for an expedited judicial review of environmental challenges to a proposed NFL football stadium in downtown Los Angeles. AB 900 extends the same break to large projects involving clean energy generation or downtown stadiums that get environmental certification. (update: Brown signed this bill into law last week)
AB 6 – Among other things, remove the requirement that food stamp recipients be fingerprinted.
AB 131 – Allow undocumented California State University and community college students who are eligible for in-state tuition to receive publicly funded student aid. (CA Dream Act)
AB 200 – would require the state board to establish the Health and Fitness Award Program to recognize schools that conduct their physical education courses pursuant to the model content standards
AB 564- would allow a taxpayer to designate on a tax return that a specified amount in excess of his or her tax liability be transferred to the Municipal Shelter Spay-Neuter Fund
SB 702-This bill would prohibit any public animal control agency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, humane society shelter, or rescue group from releasing to an owner seeking to reclaim his or her dog or cat, or selling or giving away to a new owner, a dog or cat that has not been microchipped, except under a specified circumstance.
These are only 10 of the bills waiting for a signature. There are 590 more. 590. Even Governor Brown himself has commented on the ridiculaous and unnecessary number of bills coming across his desk. The California legislature is has passed so many bills they now find themselves having to pass bills to waive off the results of previous bills. For example, Governor Brown recently signed AB 155, which postpones by a year the online sales tax earlier enacted against Amazon. The previous bill drove Amazon to move its business out of California, much to the disappointment and detriment of small business owners who rely on Amazon for retail sales. The governor was also forced to sign AB 900 in order to waive off some of the stifiling environmental regulations previoulsly encacted that would stand in the way of a very lucrative football stadium being built in Los Angeles. When a government must pass bills to fix other bills, it can be officially stated the government is the problem and not the actions of its citizens.
In 2011,
725 new laws will be enacted in the state of California. The amount of
regulation imposed on the taxpayers in California is staggering. It is no wonder the state is ranked dead last in business creation and
business-friendly climate in the nation. For all their rhetoric about job creation, law-makers have been working overtime to stifle creation of any kind. It is sickening to think that taxpayers will pay over $15,000,000 in salaries this year alone simply for the priviege of being regulated into poverty and/or relocation.
Congratulations California-stan! In a battle of the government versus the people, the government wins! Your prize? The fastest declining population and the highest unemployment rate in the union at 12.1% (seasonally adjusted, of course!).
You got it right!!
Well put Kira, yet they can not understand why companies are leaving Californi-stan by the droves. All that will be left are 1- 60’s hippies and burnouts, 2- Illegal aliens and 3- Self serving Liberals too busy banning happy meals and creating sanctuary cities,to actually try to fix their massive budget shortfall. There will be BIg trouble in Californi-Stan when Conservatives take over the U.S Senate and W/H in 2013, and cut Calif. off from the federal taxpayer dollars that Obama and company are underhandedly funneling to them .