Michele Bachmann: 999 Is The Devil
Alright, maybe she didn’t quite say it that way, but in tonight’s debate, Michele Bachmann couldn’t help but take a swipe at Herman Cain’s notorious “999” plan. Watch the video below, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. When you view it, you’ll notice that she’s extremely proud of herself for making the joke. It’s actually kind of funny to see how satisfied she is with that little nugget.
What do you think? Was it a funny joke? Or was it further proof that she needs to pack her bags and hit the road? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook.
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I thought it was funny. I laughed.
I’m not that clever, I guess, so the joke went right over my head. Meanwhile, Bachmann’s criticism of Cain’s plan was exactly on the mark, and the reason why I think he is being naive.
I knew some moron would use the 666 thing, I just never thought it would be a Republican! It wasn’t clever. She just ended her campaign, cya!
As for 9-9-9 being naive. Not naive, simple. Not simplistic, simple. Reaganesque simple. If I were Cain’s opponents right now, I’d stay away from it and hit him on foreign policy or something else. 9-9-9 resonates with people.
Of COURSE is was a republican who made that joke. A liberal wouldn’t have made a joke like that unless they were making fun of a conservative. No hope for any of the people at that table no matter what. I think republicans are asking to lose with the candidates that they have.