Brady Bunch Gun Control Zealots in Full Spin Mode
With the recent exposure of several governmental agencies enabling the sale of assault weapons to drug cartels and assorted felons through a program that is known as Operation Fast and Furious, we see the folks from The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, (AKA The Brady Bunch) releasing a report claiming that U.S. gun manufacturers have supposedly “lost” over 16,000 guns, as reported here by Right out of the gate this “report” seems to be anything but a factual report with stated proof that over 16,000 guns have just disappeared into thin air. This Brady Bunch report is either a sick joke, or these people actually think that Americans are not going to see this ridiculous attempt at false propaganda for what it is, a blatant attempt to cloud the current scandal involving the very same ATF incompetents whose numbers they base this report on. ( along with their ever- increasing attempts to deny Americans their second amendment right to bear arms) Read the report for yourself here.
First thing I noticed in this blatant propaganda piece is the fact that they use supposed statistics from the ATF over the last two years, while also stating that the under-staffed ATF, ( big government needs to get bigger is always the hiden agenda in these fake reports) where they admit that the ATF only has the capabilities to monitor 1 out of every 5 gun manufacturers in the USA. Maybe the ATF could spend more time working to monitor gun manufacturers instead of promoting gun sales to Mexican drug cartels, as noted above.
The second thing I noticed about this Brady Bunch report is the fact that it is sprinkled with heart wrenching tragedies like ” The father of two gunned down by “missing gun.” Turns out the gun had been stolen by a bad employee. The gun was not just set left sitting on an unsecured shelf at the plant, or laid down on the sidewalk where a killer picked it up and used it to kill someone. No employer is immune to employees turning bad, yet the Brady Bunch makes it out to be a case of the gun manufacturer knowingly hiring drug addicts and thieves.
The next paragraph of pathetic propaganda that points to the non-credibility of this report that we see is the fact that while the ATF reports that thousands of guns are going missing at gun plants across America, they fail to name one specific gun manufacturer that is supposed to be knowingly allowing their guns to go missing. Not one. Blaming problems on un-named entities and assorted bogeymen is a constant ploy of propagandists to deny people the ability to de-bunk their propaganda. Gun manufacturers sell guns to make a profit. Missing guns causes them to lose money. Are we to believe that they would allow their products to just go missing? The Brady Bunch wants you to believe it.
The father of two being gunned down by a drug-addled employee who stole the gun “story” is repeated 5 times in different paragraphs in this supposed report. It was one tragic incident, yet by repeating it several times, the Brady Bunch wants you to think it is repeated 24/7 365 days a year. Why is this story repeated throughout this report? The gun was not in fact “missing” or misplaced as they would like you to believe, it was stolen by an employee who turned bad. One employee, yet the Brady Bunch implies that Kahr Arms knowingly makes a habit of hiring drug addicts, gun-stealing thieves, and known criminals at their plant. How long would a company stay in business if that were true? According to the Kahr Arms company profile, they have been in business for over 30 years, so that shoots down the Brady Bunch and tort lawyer’s statements about their hiring practices that are stated throughout this ludicrous report.
In reading the Brady Bunches conclusion to supposedly summarize this report, they state that every single day 18 guns are allowed to go missing across America by “Reckless gun manufacturers.” Here is a thought: PROVE IT. Just what business owners are knowingly letting their products walk out of their plants costing them thousands of dollars in lost profits every day? My conclusion? No self-respecting group would ever try to pass off this simplistic form of blatant gun-control propaganda as being fact-based reporting, yet The Brady Bunch has done just that. While they were working tirelessly with the ATF to conjure up these false, baseless statistics to shamelessly promote their obvious anti-second amendment rights campaign here, why didn’t they report on the thousands of violent deaths in the U.S. and Mexico due to their bed-pals at the ATF selling guns to drug in the Fast and Furious scandal?