Entitlements – The Effects of Big Government
While the Democratic party continues to find ways to spend money, and the president is off golfing, taking vacations, or just out campaign trail hoping for an addional four year term – the country is falling into a deeper recession. Whether people agree or disagree, democrat or republican, it doesn’t matter; just look at how much the cost of goods and services have gone up in the past few weeks. Although this presidents spending has well exceeded that of his predecessors, he alone is not responsible for the debt crisis, nor the creation of the entitlement state, or a welfare society that currently exists. No, the creation of big government began sometime ago, its effects are just beginning to catch up to us now. The sad part is, there are so many on the Hill who what to make the government even bigger, they fail to recognize the warning signs they are getting from those in Europe who are seeing the errors of their ways.
The spending in Washington that has been going on for decades is at the root of the problem. However, the lack of clarity on how true job creation actually occurs – which is not by raising taxes or extending unemployment benefits as suggested by democrats. The self-righteous attitudes of those on the hill, whose own self-interests seem to come first, are just a few examples of what is at the crux of the problem. The reality is we live in a welfare society where people truly believe government entitlements are their God-given right. These same people fail to recognize making government bigger than what it already is, is not the answer.
What is happening in Athens, London, and other parts of the world, and is beginning to happen here in the United States is just the beginning of waht happend to economys that cannot sustain government spending. The flash mobs, threats, violence, and so on that occurred in Madison, Wisconsin as well as other parts of the country, are the just beginning of what happens in a welfare society driven by people who have visons whichh are not founded in a realistic way. The issues with Wisconsin employees are just one example of what is spreading across the nation. These people are beginning to feel the end result of what happens to people who rely on entitlements simply because they were promised by a government whose spending well exceeds its income. This is what they were promised and this is what they truly believe they are entitled to at any cost, they don’t care.
There is a common theme that exists: even when times are rough, and government clearly cannot fulfill their expectations, and cuts are necessary, these flash mobs are proof that people demand what government has promised. Regardless if it bankrupts the state they are living in, they truly believe they are entitled to things such as pension plans they did not pay into, early retirement at age 53 or earlier, free medical benefits, welfare checks, food stamps, and the never-ending unemployment checks. The violence is just beginning. In addition, union officials are sending people to states to fight against anyone who tries to put an end to the entitlements. People are being threatened; their businesses are risk, if they don’t comply with the threats. One person in Kenosha, WI who was suppose to hold a tea party meeting was threatened and forced to hold the meeting elsewhere; scared by union goons.
What we are seeing in London is just the beginning of the end of years of government entitlements. Generations of people who have spent their entire lives living on government handouts and stimulus – the reality of government outspending always catches up; it is just a matter of time. The people of London, for example, that time is now. The same thing is happening here and people are reacting the same way – fighting, picketing, rioting because they have a big government mentality. They believe that they have a right to the all the free stuff government has been providing. Remember: As government keeps getting bigger people and business keep getting smaller – how do you create jobs from that? How do you like the end result? Think about that next time you go to vote or contact your congress man or woman.