Allen West Slams Liberal Attacks on TEA Party
First, we have Rep. Andre Carson, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus calling the TEA Party a lynch mob and that they want nothing more than to see blacks hanging from trees.
Then, Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) tries to gloss over the rhetoric and somehow blame the media for the terroristic language the Congressional Black Caucus is using and that Congressional Democrats have refused to rebuke. Finally, in the same video, Rep. West calls it for what it is.
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Allen West is a good conservative. But, that is the problem. He doesn’t get the respect he deserves from the Republican Party, even though he does have a healthy following from many White people who are conservatives themselves. Just leave it up to the liberals who have pushed Blacks down everyone’s throats for the past 50+ years, don’t believe that any White person worth their grits could ever support a Black man no matter who he was. That just goes to show you the truth that has existed all along, but you couldn’t prove it by the liberals and their liberal controled news media. Down South, Whites have worked side by side Blacks for generations since before the War Between the States. Even though there was a large number of Whites who were able to do farm work, and I use the word “farm” rather than “plantation” because that’s what they were, farms, but Plantations works when you are talking about the entire operation because the farm part is a major part, but there were barns and facilities for animals and where livestock raising and selling was taking place. Then there were tack houses for all the bridles, traces, and harnesses that were kept and repair facilities were for such things, and where other people could bring their own tack in for repair and the plantation owner could make money from. Blacks worked in those facilities to, not just picking cotton. Also, many owners made their own liquar and had stills and facilities for all that going on as well where Blacks did all the work there along with Whites. There were husbantry pins where people worked in breeding animals of other people who wanted to get their cows impregnated in order to make more cattle they could sell. The plantation owner was paid for that as well. There were horse husbantry going on there as well that the owner made money off of, and Whites and Blacks were working in those places to. How do you think Blacks know so much about animals? They didn’t bring that knowledge with them when they came from Africa! They were running around naked in the jungle killing other tribesmen for personal gain and prestege for their tribe. But when they got to America and were bought by farmers and plantation owers they actually learned a trade and gained skills they could use when they were off the farm or plantation.
West should know all about this. And the Black people were doing well before the liberals told them that they didn’t have to work, the government would take care of them. From that point on they went down hill.
Allen West is a good conservative. But, that is the problem. He doesn’t get the respect he deserves from the Republican Party, even though he does have a healthy following from many White people who are conservatives themselves. Just leave it up to the liberals who have pushed Blacks down everyone’s throats for the past 50+ years, don’t believe that any White person worth their grits could ever support a Black man no matter who he was. That just goes to show you the truth that has existed all along, but you couldn’t prove it by the liberals and their liberal controled news media. Down South, Whites have worked side by side Blacks for generations since before the War Between the States. Even though there was a large number of Whites who were able to do farm work, and I use the word “farm” rather than “plantation” because that’s what they were, farms, but Plantations works when you are talking about the entire operation because the farm part is a major part, but there were barns and facilities for animals and where livestock raising and selling was taking place. Then there were tack houses for all the bridles, traces, and harnesses that were kept and repair facilities were for such things, and where other people could bring their own tack in for repair and the plantation owner could make money from. Blacks worked in those facilities to, not just picking cotton. Also, many owners made their own liquar and had stills and facilities for all that going on as well where Blacks did all the work there along with Whites. There were husbantry pins where people worked in breeding animals of other people who wanted to get their cows impregnated in order to make more cattle they could sell. The plantation owner was paid for that as well. There were horse husbantry going on there as well that the owner made money off of, and Whites and Blacks were working in those places to. How do you think Blacks know so much about animals? They didn’t bring that knowledge with them when they came from Africa! They were running around naked in the jungle killing other tribesmen for personal gain and prestege for their tribe. But when they got to America and were bought by farmers and plantation owers they actually learned a trade and gained skills they could use when they were off the farm or plantation.
West should know all about this. And the Black people were doing well before the liberals told them that they didn’t have to work, the government would take care of them. From that point on they went down hill.
I don’t know where it was that Blacks couldn’t get jobs, because Blacks, to my knowledge worked all over the place back in my day. All this racism that liberals claimed existed before they came down South, did exist, and there were many places where Blacks weren’t allowed, like “lunch counters”, small “cafe’s”, and resturants owned by White people who catered to a certain clientel which didn’t include just any ‘ol Black off the street. They could go to any other place there was, they worked in all those lunch counters, cafe’s, and resturants but it was back in the kitchen. Liberals big complaint was that a Black person couldn’t walk in off the street like any other person and sit down at the counter and order something to eat, but the kitchen was full of nothing but Blacks making good money cooking, washing dishes, and busing tables. So, were there places where a Black could walk in and sit down and order something to eat? Yes, there were plenty of places, but not the places that were owned by White people on the other side of town.
And the thing about it was that all Blacks knew where they could go to get something to eat anytime they wanted that were owned by Blacks. There were Black lunch counters, cafe’s, and resturants. So, where do you think that the supposed phrase came from back in the 70’s “Soul Food” came from? I grew up on Soul Food and didn’t even know it because it was what my grandparents sold in their cafe for many, many years. Do you know what Soul Food was? It was freshly cooked food of a certain type that was prepared in most all of those Black cafe’s and resturants, like Collard Greens, which are Turnip Greens that are like a heavier leafy plant like Spinach, but that have a stronger taste. Black Eyed Peas are Soul Food. I ate my weight in Black Eyed Peas when I was growing up and I still love to eat it Southern Style which is with a big piece of fatty ham cooked in it, or bacon. Hmmmm good! But all that kind of stuff was like no one ever ate that kind of food before White liberals gave it a name? That’s stupid to think no one knew what that was. My grandfather, who owned the cafe had some of the best cooks, and he paid them damn well for all their hard work. And when Blacks worked on the plantations, Blacks were taken care of very well back then to. Do you think they were bull whipped all day, like liberals wanted everyone, even Blacks who didn’t know anything about plantations, to think went on back then? Hell, no. That was a myth and a lie that Northern liberals wanted Whites to feel guilty about, and for the fact that it only took place on a few farms back then. And more times than not the plantation owners were aware of that fact that some other farmer or plantation owners were allowing their slaves to be abused were usually not very good businessmen either. And these men were soon out of slaves because the word got out to the dealers of slaves that some owner was abusing slaves and would refuse to sell to them. And there were cases where other plantation owners would approach those owners who were abusing their slaves and offer to buy the slaves from them. Many times a abusing owner would sell a few of his slaves he thought weren’t any good, but were just abused and didn’t put out like they would if they were taken care of.
When the Amansipation Proclamation was signed giving Blacks freedom, many elected not to leave the plantation because most had grown up on the plantation and didn’t know anywhere else to go, besides they had a good living on the plantations and wanted to stay to help the owner work the plantation or farm. They were offered some money and a small plot of land in order to provide them an income and a piece of land where they could grow some food for themselves and a some to take to market to make money from. After the War Between the States many returning Whites who fought needed work in order to make some money and would go to the farms and plantations to look for work. Many farms and plantations were destroyed by the war, and people went to the cities to look for work, including Blacks. Many times Blacks had already taken many jobs, and yes in some cases they were laid off in order to give the job to the White guy coming back from the war. That was unfortunate, but it is no different than right now in 2011, when White people can’t find work because Mexican’s have the jobs the Whites are seeking and are making good money but at little to no cost to the owner of that company, like building contractors who have hired Mexican’s and some guy coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan can’t get that job now.
Now, what do you call that? Isn’t that reversed racism? Where the contractor won’t give a job to a White returning vet because he’s to expensive to hire? It’s economic racism, where it’s cheaper to hire the Mexican rather than have to pay all the costs required by the government to hire a White American regardless of what he is, White, Black, or whatever, he’s to expensive. And the owner can’t keep all the money he’s making off a job he’s working with Mexican’s who are under the government radar, and the owner doesn’t want to show how much money he’s making by hiring Mexican’s rather than Whites, or Blacks for that matter. What do you liberals call that?
Oh, yeah, I can hear liberals now, “We hate racism in any form.” Yeah, right. The only time you even see racism is when it’s Whites who are demanding their rights back that were taken from them when liberals claimed Whites didn’t deserve those rights. Liberals were calling it “Civil Rights”. You have to understand that liberals don’t know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to rights. The term “civil” means the who civilization, not just one part. If you are talking about one part of the civilization then you have to call that part for what it is. If it’s Black rights that you believe are being violated then you have to say, ” Black rights”, not “civil rights”, because then you are talking about rights of everyone! EVERYONE, not just Blacks, or Mexican’s but only when it’s something very specific for them. But all the rest of the abuse liberals see is White against Blacks with no exception.
So, when liberals are talking about “racism”, they ARE talking about White’s being the racists, and Blacks the victims of said racism. What lies! When it’s getting very obvious that it’s not the Whites who are being racist, it’s the liberals who are the racists here because they are the ones who keep riling them up all the time, pointing out some little thing liberals are trying to identify as racist, or being racists is something they are trying to pin on Whites…..again!
So, what is it now? I want to know when are liberals going to accuse Whites of “reverse discremination” by putting up Blacks they know other Blacks won’t vote for, nor many Whites in order to “cover” their racist intentions of keeping Blacks from the office of the President? Oh, okay, only liberals could honestly give a Black a chance to become President. And look what they gave that chance to, a Marxist from Kenya who’s not even an American citizen and they know it!!
Oh, yeah, I can hear liberals now, “We hate racism in any form.” Yeah, right. The only time you even see racism is when it’s Whites who are demanding their rights back that were taken from them when liberals claimed Whites didn’t deserve those rights. Liberals were calling it “Civil Rights”. You have to understand that liberals don’t know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to rights. The term “civil” means the who civilization, not just one part. If you are talking about one part of the civilization then you have to call that part for what it is. If it’s Black rights that you believe are being violated then you have to say, ” Black rights”, not “civil rights”, because then you are talking about rights of everyone! EVERYONE, not just Blacks, or Mexican’s but only when it’s something very specific for them. But all the rest of the abuse liberals see is White against Blacks with no exception.
So, when liberals are talking about “racism”, they ARE talking about White’s being the racists, and Blacks the victims of said racism. What lies! When it’s getting very obvious that it’s not the Whites who are being racist, it’s the liberals who are the racists here because they are the ones who keep riling them up all the time, pointing out some little thing liberals are trying to identify as racist, or being racists is something they are trying to pin on Whites…..again!
So, what is it now? I want to know when are liberals going to accuse Whites of “reverse discremination” by putting up Blacks they know other Blacks won’t vote for, nor many Whites in order to “cover” their racist intentions of keeping Blacks from the office of the President? Oh, okay, only liberals could honestly give a Black a chance to become President. And look what they gave that chance to, a Marxist from Kenya who’s not even an American citizen and they know it!!