Rick Santorum and America’s Lack of Morals
Rick Santorum, the former Senator from Pennsylvania officially announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President in 2012 without much fanfare or intense media coverage like that which was given to Mitt Romney when he announced. As a matter of fact, what media coverage Santorum did receive was usually in the form of denouncing him as “too conservative” or “too religious” to make a serious White House run, and which I find quite disrespectful and disgusting. Has America become so morally bankrupt that a person who believes that marriage should be between a man and woman is constantly labeled as an extremist, or portrayed as some kind of dangerous religious zealot ? I guess so to hearthe media tell it today. Al of our founding fathers were deranged religious fanatics when they put the words “Endowed by their creator” right into the declaration of Independance in 1776. Is the media trying to portray Mitt Romney as being more “electable” than Rick Santorum due to the low level of morals in America today ? It certainly looks that way, considering that Mitt Romney is tied with Barack Obama in a recent poll, while Rick Santorum is supposedly down there at about 2 – 3 % among 2012 Presidential candidates. For those of you who rely on public opinions and media propaganda to denounce Rick Santorum, I challenge you to watch the following video of his announcement to run, and then let me know just how anyone can think this is not a solid conservative that would serve the people well as our president in 2012?
The above video is the shortened version, and the whole video may be seen here.
Rick Santorum is a fighter, not a politically correct candidate that will just say whatever the people want to hear to get him elected. In these dangerous times of exploding national debt, widespread corruption and daily perversions of our constitution and rule of law, anything less than a true fighter like Rick Santorum will just lead us down the continued path to a government so bloated and all-powerful that there will be no “America, the land of the free” left for future generations of Americans. Freedom depends on a vibrant, prosperous economy. The examples of how Santorum is being denounced and bashed can be found in the following disrespectable headlines, mostly by leftist media outlets that are trying to push for a “left-leaning” Republican President in 2012, should Barack Obama lose the election. I just put Rick Santorum into my browser and look what comes up:
1- Santorum kicks off his speech with an attack on Obama
2- Rick Santorum Grasps for the Mainstream
3- Listen: Rick Santorum Claims He’s Not a ‘Big Homophobe’
4- Meghan McCain Blasts Rick Santorum for Questioning John McCain on Torture
5 – Santorum Slams Obama in Foreign Policy Speech
6 – Santorum could siphon off religious conservative support from GOP field
7 – Rick Santorum Needs a Miracle
8 – In one breath, Rick Santorum disses JFK’s historic speech on religion and distorts Thomas Jefferson’s legacy
9 – Rick Santorum Too Conservative for White House?
10 – Santorum touts anti-abortion activism
While it is true that many honorable writers have come out with fact-based positive articles about Santorum’s 2012 presidential run, the underlying current contains a steady dose of Liberal activists ( many of them paid for by George Soros and company ) who are proven to have the main agenda of denouncing any true conservative running for office in 2012, thus the so-called “support”for the moderate, wishy-washy, say-anything-to-get-elected Mitt Romney. People tend to forget that Romney was the Governor of the totally liberal Massachusetts, while Santorum was a Senator in Pennsylvania until the massive ignorance of voters buying into the media propaganda during the 2006 elections caused him to be defeated. During that very same time the D.A.M.slandered G.W.Bush daily, and blamed him for everything from the faux global warming to John Kerry’s swiftboat lies being exposed by soldiers who were right there with him in Vietnam, and proved how Kerry wrote his own glorified reports (stories and tall tales) which resulted in him receiving unwarranted medals.
The very same Liberal media propagandists who today refuse to admit that Anthony Weiner’s recent exposure of him having phone-sex and sexting on twitter right from his Congressional office should mandate his removal from our Congress immediately. The fact is,that Andrew Breitbart has in his possession of a picture of the Weiner “in a very excited state” that he has not released in order to save the family more embarrassment. ( it was recently “accidently released” ) This shows us exactly how far American morals have degenerated in our current society, and it follows the current pattern of Liberals denouncing Christianity in any form as extremist and evil. Yet Rick Santorum is bashed for being a Catholic today, while JFK is touted as being an American saint. JFK is the only Catholic to be elected President in U.S. history. Because JFK was a Democrat, the media looked the other way when it came to his now well-known womanizing and drug addictions, while Rick Santorum is labeled a religious zealot and an unelectable extremist because he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, to hear the MSM tell it. Mitt Romney was raised as a Catholic, yet I firmly believe that when he realised America has a moral deficit that has the MSM denouncing Christianity in the Catholic form as extremism, he switched to Mormon so he would become more “electable.”
The Liberal media seems to prop up has-been proven Democratic perverts today and America still worships them. See Bill Clinton for a real good example. How about CNN’s own former Governor of New York, one Eliot Spitzer who has his own show on CNN today promoting the liberal agenda ? Take a good look at the Liberal star Eliot Spitzer there and tell me America isn’t becoming morally bankrupt. Republican Chris Lee from New York also sent a picture of himself without his shirt on, which anyone would see at a day at the beach, and he was gone before we even knew about that made-up scandal. Oh, and Lee didnt send pictures of himself completely naked, and “very excited” as the “Honorable Congressman Anthony Weiner” has been proven to have done. America is sinking in a quagmire of perversion and media propaganda, and most Americans seem ignorant enough to either ignore it, or worse yet approve of it. Rick Santorum proudly stands up for American family values and the very Christian foundation this country was created upon, and yet he is made out to be an evil person, not worthy of becoming our President.
I believe that the Liberal media calls people “unelectable” or as being irrevelant, simply because they know of their own plotted and planned agenda to attack and smear those people on a daily basis to promote their own utopian Liberal Socialism over true conservatism. A true conservative, such as Rick Santorum scares the hell out of the Liberal Socialists, thus they attack him daily. This is the prevelant pattern of political propaganda we see across America today in attacking all conservative candidates and denouncing them as unelectable or “too conservative” for America. Maybe we should start starting denouncing all Democrats with headlines screaming, “This Democrat is too Communistic for America? After all, Socialism has bred Communist dictatorships throughout world history. Rick Santorum is not only for all Americans, he is against the Socialist destruction of our capatalistic system, and isn’t afraid to say so, media whores be damned. For any informed American voter, Rick Santorum is a solid, aggresive Conservative, and that is exactly what we must have to fight off the stealth Socialism that threatens to “fundamentally transform America” into a second rate nation.
Now that would be a dream ticket for conservatives: Santorum/Palin 2012. Now if we could only take out the bias of the ‘let’s-not-really-vet-Owebama’ Lame Stream Media, it might actually happen!
Good Morning Truth and thanks for sharing your dream ticket here at CDN.
I think it is ludicrous that the Lamestream Lib Media is already shoving Santorum to the side for the 2012 elections. I have made a committment to publish an article at least once a week promoting Rick and American family values right up to the 012 elections.While Greta does have him on late at night, we need him to have access during prime time hours, like in the evening.Hannity and Cavuto and Shep should put him on more. I do like to see Pawlenty starting to get some attention also, but the media is still trying to sell Romney way too much for my liking still. Its a long ways to go still, and maybe if enough folks start demanding more exposure for Rick, the voters will get to know him better.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here at CDN