Come Hell or High Water I Will Stand With Israel
I sat watching the “Glenn Beck” show just an hour ago with a mixture of emotions. My city made Glenn Beck’s show once again! Not only did Glenn highlight a news story from our city, but there were other elements that made me stand proud. A church service supporting and honoring Israel was the main topic of the news story. And then I became enraged!
Glenn told his audience of a letter he received from Pastor John Hagee, the pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, describing the details of a disturbance that happened in the middle of their worship service this past Sunday.
Pastor Hagee is a staunch supporter of Israel, who has written several books in defense of Israel, giving clear, Biblical proof that to stand with Israel is the only answer. He founded Christians United For Israel, a non-profit organization which provides a national association that allows every church, organization, ministry or individual who supports Israel the venue to connect in support of Israel.
This past Sunday morning, May 15, 2011, Cornerstone Church had a special service to show their love and appreciation for the State of Israel and the Jewish people. It was during the nationally televised11:00am service that 11 anti-Israel protesters reared their hate-filled heads and hearts. They were not actual “Palestinian” people, they were simply radical, extremist activists from the San Antonio area.
One of the radical protesters chose to start the commotion the moment Pastor Hagee stood to give his sermon on Sunday morning. She did not scream, she chose instead to throw propaganda leaflets from the balcony proclaiming to the church members of Cornerstone Church that their tithes were “supporting the deaths of 1,500 children since the year 2000”. Very interesting that she accuses Israel of murdering children. You know what they say about people in glass houses! Was it not just a few months ago- March, 2011- that a Jewish family- the Fogel’s- were murdered in their sleep by Palestinians simply because they were Jews? A 3-month-old baby was murdered because of her heritage!
Being that Cornerstone is a very large church, coupled with the fact that Pastor Hagee has had numerous threats and attempts on his life, they have a Security Team that is well-equipped to handle any emergency situations that may arise. The Security Team acted swiftly, removing her from the sanctuary.
Pastor Hagee continued with his sermon. It wasn’t long before another protester stood up in the congregation and started screaming loudly that the people of Israel had no right to the land they “occupied” and should leave, among other hateful things. Once again, the Security Team acted swiftly, removing her from the sanctuary. This time the congregation reacted by standing and applauding the Security Team for the protesters removal.
It wasn’t but five minutes later when the third protester stood up, this time spewing the typical hateful rhetoric that is common around the world to condemn Israel. Once again, the Security Team successfully removed the protester.
It was at this point that Pastor Hagee says he realized that this was an organized protest intent on shutting down the service. He proclaimed to his congregation that he would not be deterred, he would preach until 6pm if that is how long it took. In response to this, the congregation erupted in applause and cheers as if it were “the Super Bowl”, Pastor Hagee said. He also made the statement that the actions of the protesters UNITED the congregation rather than dividing it! They DID NOT succeed in their mission!
The protesters continued to stand every five minutes, repeating the same actions as the previous protesters. Each one was swiftly escorted away by security, and the service continued on. In the end, this congregation was more united than ever before. They has witnessed first hand just a tiny glimpse of the hatred Israel sees and experiences every single day!
Each protester was taken to another area of the church where their pictures were taken and they were issued trespassing citations. If they return to the church they will be taken to jail. There were a few of the protesters that had outstanding warrants and were whisked away to jail on Sunday.
It was later determined that one third of the staff of staff of Esperanza Peace and Justice Center- a San Antonio based non-profit organization, were participants in this invasive disruption of a church service. That is quite contradictory to the name of the “organization” they work for, I would say! “Peace and Justice” is quite the opposite of what they are doing, standing for and supporting.
As a tax-paying citizen of the State of Texas, and city of San Antonio, I am outraged to learn that this so-called “peaceful” organization- Esperanza Peace and Justice Center- receives funding from my tax dollars! They not only receive funding from the State of Texas, but they also receive funds from the City of San Antonio as well!
You can rest assured I will be contacting my Congressmen, Senators, Governor and anyone else in leadership to make it very well known that I want an IMMEDIATE stop to their funds! I am a STRONG supporter of Israel, and the thought of my tax-paying dollars going to a blatant anti-Israel organization is appalling to me!
In Pastor Hagee’s letter to Glenn Beck he stated why he and those who stand with him will continue to support Israel. I am one of those he speaks of.
1. Standing with Israel is not about politics, it is about obeying the Word of God. The Bible is the only Truth there is. Your feelings and thoughts do not make something true. To quote Pastor Hagee letter regarding this issue, “The truth is, Israel is the only nation created by a Sovereign act of God in the Book of Genesis. Israel was not born on May 15, 1948…it was born 3500 years ago when Almighty God made an eternal covenant between Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants (see Genesis 13:14-15 and Genesis 17:7-8).” Amen, Pastor Hagee, AMEN!
2. Psalm 122:6 commands us to love and pray for Israel. If we claim to beleive the Bible and follow what it says then standing with, praying for and loving Israel is a must!
3. All blessings and curses come to us from how we treat Israel (Genesis 12:1-4). In Pastor Hagee’s letter he gives 2 distinct examples of how this plays out in the lives of past Pharaohs actions. I choose to be blessed by God rather than cursed by Him.
4. Jesus- a Jewish Rabbi- healed a sick Gentile because this man “built a synagogue” in the land of Israel. Messiah of the World healed a Gentile because of he supported Israel. (Luke 7:1-5).
5. Romans 15:27 tells us it is our duty as Christians to minister where needed. This especially applies to Israel. If you take away the contributions of the nation of Israel from the Christian faith there would be no Christian faith.
6. Jesus tells us whatever we do to the least of those we do unto Him. (Matthew 25:40) God made a covenant with Israel and her people and we are to honor that covenant in our beliefs and actions.
7. Obadiah 1:15 and Joel 3:2 speaks very clearly that any nation that tries to divide the land of Israel (Jerusalem IS included in this land covenant made by God with Abraham) will receive judgement from God. America is not immune to the consequences if we insist on being a part of trying to force this division. When we as a nation take our “final stand”, so to speak, against Israel, and join the ranks of those demanding the creation of a “Palestinian State”, God will swiftly remove His hand of protection from this nation. He will turn His back on America just as she has turned her back on Him and His chosen people- Israel.
8. Israel has every right to exist! Who are we or anyone else in the world to “demand” that she give up land promised to her by Sovereign God? The wrath of God Almighty will be seen by all who follow through with this “demand”.
Once again I quote Pastor Hagee from his letter:
We call on the President and Congress to demand that Hamas and the Palestinians recognize Israel’s right to exist or to cut off all foreign aid immediately. Israel has the right to defined and defensible borders. Israel has the right to defend itself from any nation or group of people that attack them.
I personally stand with Pastor Hagee and demand that our leaders in Congress and our President support Israel and stop pushing to divide Israel.
I agree with every single reason Pastor Hagee gave in why we will still support Israel. For me it goes much deeper than that. It goes to the very depths of my soul. Yes, the Bible reasons are more than enough for me. But there is a longing in deep in my soul to do what is good and pleasing to God. It goes beyond just not wanting to receive the wrath of God. I am honored to love the nation of Israel and her people with a spiritual love that reaches beyond the constraints of time. When I read the Biblical account of the Jewish people there is a stirring within me that I cannot explain. I know without a doubt God has chosen this nation and people to be blessed for many reasons.
People of the world- be warned. You will be judged on how you treat Israel. Scoff and mock me if you will. As for me and my house, we WILL serve The Lord God Almighty! (Joshua 24:15) He has commanded us to stand with Israel and I will obey! I know all too well the consequences of being disobedient to God. I will not ever make that mistake where Israel is concerned!
I am a proud Christian, Texan, American who stands with Israel come hell or high water! May God have mercy on the souls of those who don’t!
Update: I have started a Facebook Page to contact Texas Lawmakers to demand that an immediate stop be put on the funding of Esperanza Peace and Justice Center- a San Antonio based non-profit organization that participated in this disruptive invasion. If you are on Facebook, please stop by the Page. Use the link to contact your Congressmen and Senator. Forward it to your friends and have them contact their Congressman and Senator. We must stand united for Israel!
I completely agree, Andrea. It is often hard to remember that yes, we are supposed to pray for our enemies. It is something I strive to do, but I am not always perfect. Thank you for this reminder. With that being said, I believe we absolutley must call truth what it is and stand up when wrong is being done.
God bless you!
GO FORTH PASTOR HAGEE!!!!!! I Stand for Israel too!! I belong to Jesus and i love Israel!!! God Bless His People!!
Amne! Amen! Amen!
Yesterday, I e-mailed at least 6 elected officials from city to state level protesting the funding to Esperanza Peace & Justice Center and I yet to hear from any of them! I have e-mailed Pastor Hagee that I will stand with him protesting this funding should he decide to do so. Esperanza is a 501 (c) 3 organization and I suspect they have more than once overstepped the IRS definition of what they are allow to do.
Betty, I am right there with you! I’m contacting elected officials every day, adding the link to the facebook group, along with my personal note. Neither have I received a single response! We just have to keep fighting on! Thank you for being in the midst of the battle! May God bless you!
Then Support Glenn Beck in Jerusalem on August 24 for Restoring Courage and hold a viewing party in your church, school, or home, Subn uo for GBTV.
People like you make me laugh and cry! I laugh when I hear the stupid comments that comes out of your mouth and I cry when I think how so called Christians support the killing of children and non-military people . I wonder what Jesus would say about people like you? Where is the “Love Thy Neighbor” Jesus talks about? You talk about how you resent your tax dollars going to groups that are desiring peace, Well, I resent my tax dollars going to a country who using them to kill peaceful people! I pray you will see the truth!
“peaceful people”?? You are kidding, right? You speak of “the killing of children and non-military people”…. It is YOU who needs to see the truth. But unfortunately, that will probably never happen. You have bought into the lies.
peaceful people – non violent people who are christians, muslims & non religious people who are being being killed by rockets that are paid for with our tax dollars.
I would bet your group has not sent one cent to Palestine to help your fellow Christians!