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House Speaker Unveils New American Energy Initiative

Speaker Boehner: Facts Simply Don’t Match Obama Administration Statements on American Energy*

In watching the president’s recent speech last week, several glaring mis-statements should have been obvious to even the most naive Americans in the audience. In what appears to be a response to those statements, Speaker Boehner has come out with a new American Energy Initiative that sounds  good from first glance, but has one glaring problem. In his opening statement we see what that is at the root of the problem that will keep this initiative mired in ineffectiveness,  while possibly exposing Obama’s agenda :

“Rising gas prices are a major burden for American families and small businesses already dealing with a tough economy.  While the Obama Administration claims to be committed to American energy production, the facts and its own actions say otherwise.  Yesterday, the new House majority announced the American Energy Initiative, an ongoing effort to stop Washington policies that are driving up gas prices and expand American energy production.  To address rising gas prices, reduce our dependence on foreign energy, and help create American jobs, we invite President Obama to join us in turning this plan into action.” (emphasis mine)

     While it is commendable to invite the president to join in this initiative, I find myself wondering just what makes Speaker Boehner think the president will do the exact opposite of his past patterns of pushing green energy schemes, no matter the cost to the American taxpayer? Inherent within the Socialist ideology of wealth redistribution comes the fact that Obama wants to crush our domestic  oil industry in order to pursue green energy fantasies that haveproven to be a colossal, expensive failure throughout Europe and other countries. It has also shown to be largely wasteful here in America, in the failed venture of a company making solar panels in California, that threw away $500 million tax dollars… for nothing! ( it went out of business, after that  green fantasy wealth redistribution scam failed, yet still succeeded in dishing out $500 million taxpayers to someone)

The green energy scheme is proven to be a complete failure in a** article that states:

The tiny island of Eigg off the coast of Scotland made a big push for ‘green energy’ recently. They designed their system to provide 95% of the electrical needs for the 87 residents of their island. This should be fairly straightforward, since the residents of the island are not big users of electricity to start with. They only received regular electrical service in February 2008.

The new ‘green energy’ system the residents of Eigg installed was designed to provide a meager 5kW (max.) of power per household.

Right now, however, their award-winning and highly complex eco-energy system, which allows each household access to a maximum of 5kW of energy at a time (enough to power a washing machine, a small heater or a kettle, but not all at once), is lying largely idle.

So the wind turbines are still and silent. The hydro turbines in the rivers and dams are quiet. And toasted teacakes and hot tea are off the menu at the Eigg Tearooms.

So what on earth’s going on? Have the Eigg eco-innovators been victims of some act of jealous vandalism? Has their award- winning electricity system blown a fuse?

Er, no. It turns out that when the good people of Eigg put their faith in strong winds and pounding rain to provide all their electricity needs, they overlooked one possibility – a spell of lovely weather.

Go figure, no rain or wind and the solar panels are not cutting it. Of course this is not a big deal to the residents of Eigg, but imagine how chaotic this would be in a large US City.

We’ve never taken electricity for granted,’ says Maggie, 61, has lived on Eigg for 34 years and has a daughter and granddaughter living nearby.

‘Until a couple of years ago, I was supplied by a tiny hydroelectric generator that produced a maximum of 1kW of power. Which powered my lights, TV and computer, but not a washing machine, electric kettle, toaster or anything like that. And I was one of the lucky ones.’

A few of her neighbours had no running water and others relied on their own generator which had to be turned on every morning by hand.

‘So if you got up for a pee in the middle of the night, you had to take a torch with you or fumble about in the dark,’ she adds.

‘And the noise was terrible. If you walked round in the evening, you’d hear a terrible thumping of generators.

If green energy can’t reliably provide power for 87 residents (who are not big consumers of electricity) how do supporters of ‘green energy’ propose we are going to power large US cities using windmills and solar panels?

Speaker Boehner has the right idea about the necessity of  increasing our domestic oil and gas production to offset the dependency of foreign oil in America today, and one other notable person weighed in on this ridiculous situation recently. Former President Bill Clinton said Friday that delays in offshore oil and gas drilling permits are “ridiculous” at a time when the economy is still rebuilding, according to attendees at the IHS CERAWeek conference.

     President also made other statements in his speech last week that a common sense American must call out right here and now. Obama claims that “people across America are driving cars that get 50 miles per gallon of gasoline.”  There is no such car, period. While the Toyota Prius boasts of a possible 50 mpg highway, this is due to the combination of gas and electric usage.*** That is NOT a true 50 mpg. The president’s statement is misleading, to say the least. Next up in 2011 best gas mileage cars is a Honda, followed by a Ford Fusion Hybrid, and Ford is not owned by our government or their Union pals either. The fusion gets 41 mpg highway. The government motors humongous failure the Chevy Volt didn’t even make the list, probably due to the fact that as of last month that lovely government experiment and taxpayer funded boondoggle was failing to be able to deliver on the meager orders for the Volt they had already received. Missed that little fact didn’t you Mister President?

     Obama also mislead the people on our domestic oil and gas production statistics today. Contrary to his statements that we are producing more oil and gas than ever before , two facts still loom: First, he has used the accident in the gulf to set oil exploration back a decade through exploration permit denials and over-regulation. Long term this will crush the oil industry and make us more dependant on foreign oil than ever before. Secondly, the facts on our oil production being more than ever today are a reflection on past administration’s policies, not Obama’s. To see what Obama has really done in in the short-term, please see these charts from**** By 2012 we are projected to lose 450,000 barrels of oil production a day from Obama’s drilling moratorium just from the drilling moratorium in the gulf.

    I see this new energy initiative in a different light than what it appears on the surface to be here. I believe Speaker Boehner is simply proving the point that the president has no inclination of increasing our domestic oil and gas production because that simply does not fit his wealth redistribution scheme. Obama can’t force his will on big oil and gas companies, can’t dictate whom they will hire, and can’t dictate how they will run their operations. They are a part of our capitalistic society that Obama and the left deem evil on a constant basis. If Obama and company can crush the oil and gas industry through green energy schemes run by the government, they can then take over the entire industry. To do that they must destroy the big oil and gas companies, period. When President Obama refuses to join in with Boehner’s American Energy Initiative and contribute towards ramping up our domestic energy production immediately, it will prove fatal for the Obama reelection campaign in 2012, as it will expose Obama’s leftist ideology of the big government takeover of our energy sector through his green energy schemes, while citizens are paying $4,$5 and even $6 dollars a gallon for gasoline.

Obama will not participate in this initiative in a meaningful manner, mark my words. His leftist, green fantasy base will make sure of that, by the time the 2012 elections roll around. Thank you, Speaker Boehner for helping expose Obama and his Socialistic agenda once again.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. We need to drill here every where we can find oil. Should have been doing it for years. He gave Brazil 2 billion to drill for oil a year or so ago but won’t even allow us to do it here. These oil companies in the Gulf are moving out & going to other countries and they will never come back. We have a complete idiot for a President it seems.

  2. Hi Carol,

    You are 100% correct here. Thanks for reminding us about the 2 billion Obama gave Brazil for more drilling in deep water while stopping our own drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The hypocrite in chief showed his true colors once again.

  3. Just curious if there’s a link to details on the $500 million solar boondoggle you mention?

    1. Solyndra in Calif. 535 million and didnt produce –

      They claim they will pay these Green *loans* back, yet as of the beginning of 2011, records show that hardly ever happens. People are getting millions of dollars in green energy grants and loans, yet so far the rewards and/or payback to the taxpayers has been very very minimal.

      What a smooth way to apply the Socialist wealth redistribution Obama had stated to Joe the Plumber- Give people millions of tax dollars with no punishment for it never getting paid back. Start up a fake company, take millions of dollars in government gauranteed loans, then produce nothing.
      Solyndra was(supposed to be) the epitome of what the government envisioned to be our green tech future.

      Confidence was so high that Solyndra got a $535 million stimulus program loan to build a new factory along I-880 in Fremont.
      Now there is word it will shut down its older plant down the street — 40 employees will be laid off and 150 contract workers won’t be renewed. First of all, the lies about the cost of the products they were going to make, that they told to get the money in the first place, has already been proven to be just that- a lie. Second- When hiring people by race and ethnic origins, instead of actual qualifications, we get incompetence and waste of taxpayer dollars. In a college study done in 2010, it was proven that it now takes 8 government workers to produce the results of just one qualified, dedicated government worker less than 20 years ago. 8 people to do the work of 1 person= epic fail= bankruptcy.
      This is what we get in America today when people want to let the government mandate *diversity* training, over actual job performance and qualifications. That leads to incompetence and dysfunctional agencies within our government that end up costing the taxpayers more than they can afford. It is supposed to be illegal to ask a person their race on a job application today- yet now it is required. It shouldn’t matter what race a person is when applying for any job- it is supposed to be based on a person’s qualifications, period. Now the catch-phrase diversity has turned into nothing more than a than a nice sounding reverse discrimination application. If you don’t believe that, lawsuits for discrimination in hiring are skyrocketing today, and it is simply due to qualified people being passed over for other less experienced/qualified people . It all goes hand in hand with the dumbing down of America.

  4. have you all checked out the $800M loan given to Johnson Controls to build batteries for electric cars. Someone should look into that boondoggle..

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