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Florida Moves to Stop *Creeping Sharia Law*

Florida State Senator Alan Hays and Rep. Larry Metz recently announced legislation that will protect all Floridians’ Constitutional rights against the infiltration or injection of any foreign laws or legal doctrines from other countries. While there are already many visible examples of this happening in America today, some choose to deny this reality, and the need to prevent the laws of other countries from being injected into America any further.

CAIR, or Council on American-Islamic Relations, denounces anyone who stands up for the right of Americans to live by our own laws and Constitution.

Senator Hays explains his stance and reason for proposing this legislation as this:

“I filed a bill that says in the courts of Florida the laws of no other country can be used to influence the decisions of Florida,” Hays said. “If it’s Sharia law or any other law – I don’t care what law it is – if it’s not a Florida law and if it’s some foreign law, it doesn’t belong in our courts.” (emphasis mine)

Right away, some people try to paint this as  an attack on one group or another to denounce it, such as one Mr. Nezar Hamze of South Florida chapter of CAIR, saying it is some kind of stealth attack on Muslims. CAIR is using Alisnkey-ish tactics to bully and denounce anyone standing up for American laws and culture today. An attack on Senator Hays was aided by the liberal Miami Herald in a post titled:  Lawmakers target Islamic Sharia law*. In the post, misinformation and lack of journalistic integrity are displayed throughout – a disservice to the whole State of Florida and America. Marc Caputo was busy putting the Muslim-oriented, leftist anti-American spin into the  article demonstrating the true story behind it, perhaps in a way he never intended us to see:

”   One reason Sharia isn’t mentioned in the bill is due to the U.S. Constitution’s ban on religious discrimination or favoritism. Citing the First Amendment, a federal judge recently blocked a voter-approved Oklahoma law targeting Sharia.” (emphasis mine)

A Federal Judge going against the wishes of the people who voted for this law is somehow being spun into a good thing there. Thus the danger of self-righteous appointed federal Judges sticking their noses into State law-making decisions. This new legislation will take those types of decisions out of play down here in Florida. Sen. Hays and Rep. Metz are to be commended, no matter what Mr. Hamze or the Miami Herald say about it. This is America, and if you refuse to live by American law, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way back to your third world countries and their oppression- laden cultures.

Also found in the Herald article is Mr. Hamze looking like a foolish hypocrite when he stated the following:

“It’s absurd. I’ve never even heard of a court using Sharia law in making a ruling in a case,” Hamze said. “If it is intended to combat people’s fear of Islamic law, it does a poor job … because it does not mention Islam or Sharia but it does mention foreign law, which affects all religions, not just Islam, because you have Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu laws.”

Actually, Mr. Hamze, is the fact thatyou conviently choose to ignore several problems that have already occurred in Florida courts, due  precisely to attempts of Sharia law trying to be injected into Florida. It took all of two minutes to find an example from USATODAY.com**

A Florida judge ruled Friday that a Muslim woman cannot wear a veil in her driver’s license photo, agreeing with state authorities that the practice could help terrorists conceal their identities.

Sultaana Freeman arrives at the Orange County courthouse in Orlando
By Peter Cosgrove, AP

Attempts to inject forms of Sharia law and culture into Florida laws are obvious. There is a pressing need for Senator Hays’ leglislation to stop it from infecting Florida any further. Call up Senator Hays and the rest of your Florida representatives today and tell them you support this leglislation. It is for the good of all Floridians, and Americans across the country who tire of American culture and laws being changed to suit assorted radicals like Mr. Hamze. We are no longer going to stand by and watch our country be degraded and destroyed by these types of people. Thank you again Senator Hays and Rep. Metz.

UPDATE: 3/22/2011

Florida Judge Orders Use of Islamic Law in Mosque Case

TAMPA — A Tampa judge is under fire after ruling that he will follow Islamic law in a case against a local mosque that ultimately could decide who controls $2.2 million in state money.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Florida Judge Orders Use of Islamic Law in Mosque Case


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  1. Good for you Senator Hays for standing up to these people. Their goal is to come in here and take over State by State with Sharia Law & if they ever succeed we will be like Europe where they bully everyone around who disagrees with them. They have a lot of nerve to even want to change our laws here that have worked for the rest of us perfectly fine. Apparently they believe they should have “special” privileges and be treated differently.

  2. CAIR should take the hint. American’s reject Sharia Law as incompatible with our culture and legal system. The fundamental rights of free speech, equity before the law regardless of sex, race or religion, one wife per husband, and freedom to choose one’s own religion or no religion, are all incompatible with Sharia.

    Kansas just passed their version of American Laws for American Courts and CAIR has mounted a publicity campaign to try and keep the Governor from signing.

    Who is CAIR? Muslim Brotherhood and only one of a list of un-indicted co-conspirators in the largest terrorism funding trial in American history! They sued to shed that status but a Federal Judge said no!

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