Senator Mark Kirk to the Rescue
Mark Kirk reports for work on November 15th. You might not recognize Mark’s name right now – but you will. I guarantee it.
The midterm elections were historic in that a sitting president of the United States was practically hung in effigy by an angry electorate mob. That’s the only thing we can agree on with Captain Kickass – that we’re angry. But Captain Kickass, a.k.a. Captain Obvious, can’t quite grasp the obvious. The American people kicked Captain Kickass by proxy from Florida to Montana. But he is still so utterly clueless that he can’t quite come to grips with the fact that America has totally rejected him and his little dog too. Frankly, my Barack, we don’t give a damn. The earth didn’t heal, the oceans continued their rise, and Captain Kickass lost his game of leap-frog with his Skittle crapping Unicorn. Are those hemorrhoids, Barry, or are you just a sore loser?
So what exactly happened Tuesday night? Oh, nothing much, unless you count the total implosion of the Democratic Party as newsworthy. I’m not going to rehash all the results of the Teanami – you know the results as well as I do. Suffice it to say that it could very well take a generation for the Donks to recover from the beating they got this week. It was almost like a flogging at Marine Boot Camp. “Thank you, sir! May I have another?” Of course you can, Barry – just wait two years. Be patient, Jackass…one swift kick deserves another. It’s going to happen again, Captain Kickass. No problem.
So where do we go from here? That’s where the esteemed Senator-Elect Mark Kirk comes in. Why am I so excited about Kirk when so many other wonderful things went down on Tuesday night? Well, it’s kind of like it isn’t what you’ve done for me. It’s more like what have you done for me lately? The reason Kirk is my hero is that as the winner of the Special Senate Election in Illinois, replacing the honorable (or not) Senator Roland Burris, Kirk takes office immediately. He doesn’t have to wait until January, 2011 to assume his office and duties like all of the other new Tea Party senators and congressmen – blessed be their names. No, Kirk is in and Burris is out. And with the lame duck session of Congress set to begin on November 15th Kirk is in a powerful position to wreak havoc with the well-laid plans of Captain Kickass, Hairy Reed, and Nazi Pelosi to jam as much of their communist agenda through Congress before the conservatives take power.
Like Scott Brown before him, Kirk, all by himself, has thrown a monkey wrench in the Donks’ plans for the lame duck session. Pelosi can ram all the idiotic legislation she wants through the House of Representatives. Barney Frank can blubber all he wants about the need to further screw up our financial system with lunatic regulations. Steny Hoyer can act the part of the elder statesman while he screws us in the back. Henry Waxman can do his puffed-up-in-pride routine. And Alan Grayson can moan on about his gerrymandered district. But none of it is going to matter one whit. And that is because no matter what insane legislation passes out of the House of Representatives during the lame duck session – it is going to end up in the U.S. Senate. And Kirk will be waiting for it.
You see, Kirk provides one more vote to sustain a filibuster in the senate. The Donks need 60 votes to override filibusters. Prior to Kirk’s arrival the Republicans had 41 votes, which is just the bare minimum to sustain a filibuster. So far, so good on the vote count – but wait, there’s more! You see, we have a big RINO problem. Olympia Snowe and her faithful sidekick, Susan Collins, are card-carrying RINOs. They have proven time and time again that the horns on their faces tilt to the left. Kirk provides some well-needed conservative backup to negate the defection of one of Maine’s RINO twins. Now the GOP can afford a defection and still keep its filibusters intact.
Also working in our favor is the fact the Snowe is up for re-election in 2012. Snowe is slightly saner than Obama. Though she frequently lets her inner commie rise to the surface, Snowe has got to be dropping some chips after Tuesday night – And we all know that when the chips stop falling, the buffalo is empty. She may not admit it, but she knows very well that any vote she makes on a substantive issue from here on out means she suffers the same fate in 2012 that befell the Donks Tuesday evening.
To understand Neville Chamberlain is to understand Olympia Snowe. She is an appeaser. Harry Reid says “Assume the Position” and Snowe grabs her toes. She is convinced that if she votes with the Donks that they will eat her last. Now Snowe is between Barack and a hard place. On the one hand her inner commie envisions herself stepping off the plane in glory, proclaiming “Peace in our Time!” On the other hand, she is painfully aware that any such behavior in the future means signing her own death warrant. I feel fairly confident that Snowe, corrupted like so many politicians by power, will vote to save her skin. And that’s a good thing for us.
Collins is a tougher nut to crack. Make no mistake, she is a nut. Collins, too, exhibits moments of schizophrenia – on the one hand pretending to be a conservative while simultaneously screwing us all in the back. I don’t trust Collins further than I can throw my igloo. And I’m one weak penguin. What makes her dangerous is the fact that she doesn’t have to face the voters until 2014. She could very well figure that any votes she makes now will be forgotten by her constituents four years from now. Can you spell weasel? That’s Collins. Calculating. Devious. Commie-loving appeaser. We can’t count on Collins to do the right thing. She has a long track-record of RINOisms. Her vote is uncertain.
And this is why Kirk is so important. If Collins chooses Barack instead of the hard place then Kirk’s dependable vote counter-balances her Benedict Arnold tendencies.
Now things get even riskier. You see, Lisa MadCowSki and Joe Miller are still locked in their election fight in Alaska. For the moment, MadCowSki is still a senator and can vote in the lame duck session until Joe Miller, if he wins the battle with her, could replace her. Miller is a devoted conservative and can be depended on to vote the right way. MadCowSki is nothing but an opportunist. We have all seen her desperation and utter bitterness these past couple of months after her lost the GOP primary in Alaska to Miller. Daddy’s Little Senator is utterly addicted to power. She has amply demonstrated that fact for the entire world to see. You guessed it. I don’t trust her either. Now, if Collins defects, Kirk counters with a conservative vote and then Murkowski sides with Harry Reid, it’s over. Game, Set, Match for Harry Reid and Captain Kickass. Unless…
The conservative (and I use that term loosely) Democrats in the Senate could potentially cross the aisle. If that happens we win again. I count Ben Nelson of Nebraska as the most likely Donk to take that route. Nelson got the message after his vote for ObamaCare when he visited a pizza parlor back home and got heckled so bad by the patrons that he fled the joint. Nelson is no fool. He is also up for election again in 2012. He saw what happened Tuesday night. If he votes for the Obama agenda during the lame duck session he will be gone in 2012 – and the vote won’t even be close. He has to decide if he wants to fall on his sword for Obama. I’m betting he wants to visit that pizza joint again. He could easily vote with the GOP. In fact, there are reports that the GOP has even invited him to come across the aisle. It remains to be seen if he is that brave. My gut feeling is that he is a coward and won’t make the switch. But, being a coward isn’t totally a bad thing. His cowardice could be what gets him to vote with the GOP during the lame duck session. He might cave. We’ll see.
Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is another swing vote. He pulled a MadCowSki before it was cool. A shrewd politician, you can bet old Joe is reading the tea leaves. Once again, my gut feel is that he won’t desert the Donks as far as who he chooses to caucus with, but it is possible he defies Reid and Obama and votes with the GOP.
The lame duck session is going to be extremely dangerous for all freedom-loving patriots. If we can stop the Donks in the Senate we will win a great victory. We don’t control the Senate, but the momentum we have coming off of that total blowout election could very well give us de facto control of the upper house of Congress. Fear is a good thing, and the Donks are full of it right now. Of course the Donks are always full of it, but you know what I mean.
Lots of Blue Dog Democrats got wiped out in the midterms. Now they have nothing to lose in the midterms. I suspect they will all show their true colors now that they have nothing more to lose. The debate right now is do the Blue Dogs defy Pelosi because her agenda and their forced votes in support of it cost them their jobs? Or are the Blue Dogs nothing but commies in disguise? I suspect the latter. But once again, we’ll have to wait and see. Regardless, I don’t see any way Pelosi doesn’t get her way in the House of Representatives during the Lame Duck session. The Donks there have nothing to lose.
The firewall against the full onslaught of Obama’s communist agenda is the Senate. Let’s hope the fear of the voters in 2012 is enough to hold the line. If not, our freedoms will slip away before the Tea Party army can come to the rescue in January, 2011. We are indeed living in perilous times. Our liberties will hang by a chad during the lame duck session. The infighting is going to be brutal. America, the election was nothing but an opening skirmish. The next battle is the lame duck session. Keep the pressure on Collins, Snowe, Nelson, and Leiberman. Call them. Fax them. Write them. Pressure them. They need to feel the full force of the Tea Party. Be afraid, RINOS. Be very afraid, Donks. Remember, just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean the Tea Party isn’t out to get ya!
Anyway, no matter what happens, no hard feelings, okay, Barney Frank?
Contact Information
Senator Susan Collins
413 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2523
Fax: (202) 224-2693
Senator Olympia Snowe
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946
Senator Ben Nelson
Washington, D.C.
720 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: 1-202-224-6551
Fax: 1-202-228-0012
Senator Joe Leiberman
706 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202.224.4041 (Voice)
202.224.9750 (Fax)
Oh Captain kickass is it? Well let’s call the GOP Captain Do-nothing. No, that’s wrong. How about Captain Do-nothing-except-help-the-wealthy. Sorry, my mistake.
What are you doing ? Nice Vote. Are you lost with the big boys or are you really a Chicago Dem
hahaha It looks like your hero Sen. Kirk is trying to be a democrat, that must hurt. You teabaggers are going to be so upset at what the republicans can’t do for you, I’m just going to sit back and laugh. Now that that they’re in the public eye in congress, their lunacy will be exposed daily and only the fringe nuts will stick with them in 2012, once they bother to read about them. The ones that can’t read will stay with the tea party. How bout that vote by Kirk on DADT? HAHAHAHAHA