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LA Man Fired by Union for Wearing USS Bush Shirt

This video, that appears to be from KTLA in Los Angeles, alleges that Dwayne Hammond was fired from his job for wearing a U.S.S George H.W. Bush sweatshirt and hat.  The shirt is reference to an aircraft carrier named after the former president and the wearer’s son is currently serving on that ship.  Dwayne is/was a member of the Stage workers union.  If this story is true, it does nothing to disparage the building sentiment that unions are in-bed with the democrats.

The News Blog at has a sort of pre-story up that serves as some confirmation.  According to the post, “Duane Hammond says it’s what got him fired.  Hammond is a union stagehand who was part of the crew that built the platform for the Obama event on campus.”

While Hammond’s account alleges that he has been fired:

That didn’t go over well with his union supervisor.  Hammond says he was told to take off the sweatshirt, or he would have to go home.

He refused.  They told him he was fired from the job.

The KTLA post says that the union is still looking into the matter:

James Wright, a business representative from IATSE Local 33, says the union is still investigating what happened.

“If he was sent home because of the sweatshirt, he will be paid for the day,” he said.

The “paid for the day” may mean that Mr. Hammond is a private contractor (works for himself) who was contracted for this specific job and was sent off the job for his shirt.  If so, this is how he makes a living and Union thuggery is stealing from his table.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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