Every one of the progressive leadership is running around making excuses for the “avalanche”, as George Soros put it, of inevitable Conservative wins. Bill Clinton was out campaigning for Harry Reid and had this to say about it:
“You and I know the only reason this is a tough race is because people are having a tough time,” Clinton said. “When people are mad, it’s time to think.”[1]
So people are mad and now have started to think .. and because of that the former President surmises that Reid is losing. Well, that much I agree with, but weren’t we thinking before? Or did he mean that by electing Obama we weren’t thinking. I still can’t read this guy, but I’m sure we’ll receive a definition of “thinking” shortly.
Obama is starting to do some self-examination as a possible cause. Now, so close to the mid-terms, he’s admitting all sorts of mental errors in a Times Magazine interview where he said that he was
..too much like “the same old tax-and-spend Democrat,” realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” and perhaps should have “let the Republicans insist on the tax cuts” in the stimulus.
Suddenly he’s remorseful for having taken us from recession to near-depression? For goading Congress into spending more than any President in history – and producing no positive results? For deciding to raise taxes in terrible economic times? Now he’s second-guessing his craptastic leadership? Well, for the last one of his concerns, he’ll see those tax cuts back on his desk, let’s see just how sorry he is.
Maybe I have it wrong and the Dems really are starting to figure out that we’re pretty bright folks and we might have been right all along. If that’s the case, then I really don’t get this explanation of why Democrats aren’t running on all the stuff that Obama seems now to be apologetic about.
Democrats aren’t running on the administration’s accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus because “it’s just too hard to explain,” Biden said.
Ah, we’re not smart enough to understand it. Biden’s echoing of Pelosi’s sentiment that only the elites in D.C. know what’s good for us is ludicrous and insulting. Insulting the electorate is not the way to go “Big F’Ing deal”-boy.
If Democrats are really soul-searching as to why they are going to lose big in the mid-terms, they have only to look at the men and women in the mirror. They pushed the worst possible set of changes to the American health care system, they have held the spending controls in Congress since 2007, they have been pushing the largest tax increase in history, they pushed the idiotic, non-productive stimulus bill, etc. Using the “party of no” argument against the GOP is not working. If the party of no had prevented progressives from achieving anything, why do they have this huge list of failing “accomplishments” for which they are now making excuses.
This one is all on the far-left fringe. They pulled their party to the left, the car fully in drive, with no regard to the cliff ahead. Lean forward.. we’ll give you a “nudge”.
[1] Clinton urges voters to embrace Reid – https://www.lvrj.com/news/clinton-urges-voters-to-embrace-reid-104839399.html